[2/10 M 10/10H] Older Tight Knight Group of Raiders LF Strong Mechanical DPS (2 days)

I highly suggest you don’t apply. Pearl lives here. He sucks

I like pearl, small head with large bank account.

Ben, where are you finally going to eat some pork?

Bring me a mage and a hunter.

Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club?

Couple more dead bosses to come this week. Join the team.

enjoy the bump

Another mythic down.

Anyone else ever get weapons in this game?

Another dead boss. Where the hunters at?

Can you separate the value of your life from your parses!?

We are for you!

Hunters, SP, WW and more apply within!

Join the team, be part of the team, embrace the team.

Are there any huntars?

Please join, I dont wanna play hunter. They’ll make me. pls. halp.

Priest Hybrid / Pally Hybrid / Hunters.

Hybrid pally, good rdps, exceptional people.

Hunters/hybrid priest/pallies. Maybe a Prot War or Veng Tank