20th Anniversary Patch

speaking of bugs, i kept falling through the Frozen Throne into the abyss beneath Icecrown yesterday.

You gotta jump just to make sure you don’t crash through the floor.

What did Blizzard do to ICC?

Maybe it’s melting.


You know, with Hallow’s Eve sending me across a planet-wide tour for fistfuls of candy, looking at the graphical differences between Classic, Northrend, Pandaria and the Dragon Isles/Isle of Dorn, I think I’d be down for a world revamp in the future.

Making the zones less … awkward and flat, and more natural-looking, would only be a benefit, and with Phasing, we’re not losing the old quests/rewards/lore, just putting it into the closet with all the other skeletons. Imagining a Northrend where the Nerubians have started to rebuild on the west, the Drakari are trying to eke out a living in their old homeland, the Taunka have taken the decimation of the Vrykul and forcibly claimed much of the eastern half of the land as their own and started nation-building, the Iron Army of Yogg’Saron trying to reintegrate into the Titanic forces and, of course, dealing with Odyn trying to be Prime Designate again and carefully omitting his crimes from the record could be a fun little bit of content.

Blizzard’s overall stories can sometimes be a bit … Blizzardy, but zone-stories and character stories are almost always great. I would actually prefer Blizzard to, rather than revamp every zone individually, merge certain zones together like what they did for Dornogal, even if its done along ecological and/or factional lines. This would enable Blizzard to start to add some cohesion to the way the zones look and graduating the ecologies so it’s not savannah/forest/snow-locked mountains/volcanic hotsprings/forest/desert.


I may have cried a single tear as you described your perfect, delicious mount.


if global warming not real, why frozen throne melted?


Well, it’s too early to say what the impact of the $90 Brutosaur is. That said, I’m tickled absolutely pink that botters and scammers shelled out for it, outed themselves, got banned, and couldn’t get a refund.

Whether that was by accident or Blizzard playing 8D chess, dunno.

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The Brutosaur is kinda cute, but not $90 cute - at least not to me. I’m looking at the 30th anniversary mount bundle. I have a wind rider collection, and I like that bat too. $30 for 4 mounts (because I will probably never us the classic versions) makes more sense to me.


Not really 20th anniversary, but:


Interesting. I like that you can see the ring on your character. I reserve judgement on everything else.

I’m interested in why the Kul’Tirans were there. I feel like some of the mechanics are reused from earlier game modes, but I don’t hate them.

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Yeah, I’m with you on that. I don’t really see anything sticking out as bad. I actually love that the one designer was talking about Darwin’s finches, and that they all seemed excited about it (the zone, not the finches). I just can’t not be skeptical about everything at this point. (Yes, I realize that is a grammatically difficult sentence. I’m ornery today.)


i gave someone the ravenous gryphon mount from the DF time shenanigan event during mount mania. I still have one more if someone (Horde) needs it!!!

Thank you Blizz: