20th Anniversary Patch

Honestly I have changed my stance.

We should make everyone in WoW Light users and expunge all void and fel corruption.

All who resist will be brought to the peaceful ways of the light By Force.

whatever you say Yrel

I didn’t realize drakcthyr new classes were coming so soon, that’s cool. I don’t really like the dragon form/no transmog so being able to play as a visage all the time is fun.

Name one evil thing Yrel did.

The hunter set is so ugly. :pensive:

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Yrel recognized that Orcs were a reliably plentiful and expendable resource, as basically every other faction on Azeroth has realized to immense and overwhelming success.

Love floating down in stealth on the PTR. Also vanish-soar macro rules. It’s going to be so cool.

A dragon with a gun really does look funny, though.

Twitch drop:


NOTE: BFA and Shadowlands Raids have had mechanics adjusted to allow for solo completion.

Pretty psyched about this.


Pretty good breakdown:

Always crazy to look at things like then realize how many of these items I already have, so this even and gathering currency should be much easier.

I debated starting another thread, but I’ll refrain and post here:

20 years! Holy cow!

Wyrmrest: It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

  • When did you start playing? What brought you to Azeroth?
  • Did you start on WRA or a different server? If another, what brought you here?
  • What are some of your favorite memories?
  • What achievement or moment in all the time you’ve been playing, have you ever thought MAN, I ROCKED THAT!
  • Funny moments?
  • What were you like as a noob?
  • Embarrassing moments?
  • The one achievement or item you’ve never managed to get / get to drop?
  • (add your questions!)

I see “currency breakdown” and my eyes legit start to glaze over.

I remember when it was simply a matter of how many Valor or Justice badges you had. Now I have to handle the Nose Gold of Kilrogg Deadeye and the Butt Cheese of Malfurion Stormrage in order to purchase a novelty tabard I’ll never look at again because I don’t wear tabards and never have in 20 years of playing this game.


I’m not touching that.


I am miffed you figured out where the Kaldorei were getting their cheese from before I did.

Nobody will ever be able to look at Darnassian Bleu again the same way…

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I’m an insufferable corgi owner and the first thing I’m going to buy is the molten corgi. The rest will come with time, I’m not super worried about fomo since it’s three months long.

In the ye olde days of 2006.

I started on Destromath with IRL friends and played on Destro till Cata. Then moved to Sentinels to RP but the server was pretty dead so I just farted around trying out the new Cata zones before quitting again and coming back in Mists. Spent a short stint on MG before coming to WRA because I wanted more Horde RP.

I still remember first time leveling in Mulgore with my friends on Destro and watching a friend jump from a cliff screaming over voice and it was so funny.

When I started taking Mythics a bit more seriously in DF. I was pugging for a bit in season 2 because I really liked the monk set. I was probably a little over geared for the dungeon but I needed wyrmies and the party wiped but I solo’d the boss and felt very cool for my five minutes of fame with the puggies all saying how great of a tank I am. Little do they know, I am actually a very bad tank, just for some reason the stars aligned and I didn’t screw it up lmao.

Also more recently, in LFR most of the raid had died and we were full of DKs and Paladins and Druids but no one was battle rezzing. So I, an engineer with my BR trinket ran over and battle rezzed a healer. The raid ended up wiping and someone posted a chart that showed I was the only one that did a battle res and they were like, wait…HOW DID A MONK BR?? Then they kinda jokingly shamed and lectured the rest of the raid. It was pretty silly and not like super Gamer toxic.

Too many!!

In Wrath, the ice dragon boss in Naxx, I drank the brewfest brew during the ice block phase and wiped the raid lmao. No one was happy with me.

More recent ones, when I was still Horde during BfA and PVPing in Drustvar. My friends and I totally got baited by this guy that ran into a small house, as we ran after him an Alliance raid poured out and ganked us good. It was so funny watching this flood of red names pour out like a clown car.

Another was at a moot and I was RPing for the first time on Juspion. It was a wedding. He didn’t know anyone but I was RPing the crap out of having the best time at this wedding. We were in line to give gifts to the groom and bride and a friend dropped a toy and I accidentally did my monk kick and killed it and my buddy was like I CANT BELIEVE JUSPION IS A MURDERER and I laughed so hard I cried at my desk. My partner had to check on me lmao.

Otherwise, just so many to tell.

I bought white items from vendors and I tried to tank dungeons as an elemental shaman with a staff.

I tried to tank dungeons as an elemental shaman with a staff. Another time during Sunwell when I was eating during the Blight dragon boss and I took a gamble and decided to stuff my face hoping I would not get targeted with the blight breath. I got targeted and KEY BOARD TURNED and screwed up the whole mechanic and wiped the raid lmao.

I’ve always been fairly casual about most drops/achievements. The only one that I ever went ham on was that stupid blight backpack from Maldraxxus, I still don’t have it and the one I want the most is from the annoying slime pool rare.

Every day of that first patch I logged in to do that rare and it was the worse because you have to work with people and people are the worse lmao. Shadowlands Remix please. I don’t love that expansion but there’s definitely still stuff I want from it but ugh.

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  1. I started as the Gates of AQ event was in full swing. I’d been a fan of WarCraft since I was a child, playing WarCraft 2 and 3 pretty religiously throughout my school years. 2005 I was finally done with College and moved into my own place, so I felt the time was right to jump into World of WarCraft.

I started on Thorium Brotherhood, moved over to Scarlet Crusade at the start of Wrath of Lich King for reasons, and finally to Wyrmrest Accord shortly after it opened. Been here ever since.

Too many to really go into super detail on in a forum post, really. I enjoyed Vanilla though, when me and a group of friends (All of us having now long separated in our own lives) were questing and dungeoning together. It’s probably hilarious coming from a guy like me who has rarely if ever sported a guild tag in his time on the forums, but there was a time when connections were super important to me.

I didn’t always used to explore Raids and Dungeons alone.

When I was a PUG Healer in a TBC Heroic and impressed the rest of the group so much I got into a Raiding Guild. That was a crowning moment of awesome.

I RPed as a Death Knight during Vanilla as a Paladin. I was a bane to diner RP all over the Park District of Thorium Brotherhood’s Stormwind.

There was also the time - I legit cannot remember when this took place, but I think it was when I first came back to WoW during the Siege of Ogrimmar after bailing in early Cataclysm, where I was in a PUG of Cataclysm Heroics and the “tank” of the party was a Destruction spec Warlock. It was wildly hilarious as people would come and go throughout the day and every new person who showed up got the “Okay, don’t freak out, but the Warlock is tanking.” talk. A wildly fun time.

My first character I rolled was a Priest. I decided to be Holy Spec. I soloed all the way to Level 37 (As well as acting as a PUG Healer for Dungeons) before progression hit a complete wall and my strapped-for-cash character couldn’t afford the skills necessary to keep going.

Accepting the invitation to that aforementioned Raiding Guild. I was a damn good Holy Paladin in TBC, not to toot my own horn (Also the fact in TBC Holy Paladins were completely busted. We literally never ran out of mana). The guild leader mained a Holy Priest. And was irrationally hostile to Retribution Paladins (She would gkick any Paladin who even so much as swapped specs for leveling. Y’all I did Quel’Danas dailies as Holy). Not only was I the guild’s chief Alchemist tasked with making all the weekly Raid Flasks, but I ended up becoming the Newbie Healer for the weekly Karazhan runs long after Karazhan stopped giving me any kind of drops. So I was stuck grinding Quel’Danas for money and reagents to make the Flasks the rest of the Guild were taking into Gruul’s Lair and Tempest Keep while I was once again running the latest recruits through Karazhan. I kept being told that they’d make room for me in the next TK run.

Oh and I had to watch multiple weapons and pieces of plate nobody need get dusted for guild funds rather than me quietly being allowed to amass a decent set of Retribution Gear.

It’s ultimately the reason I ended up jumping ship to Scarlet Crusade when Wrath came out. It’s also why since TBC I’ve never played a Healer.


  • The one achievement or item you’ve never managed to get / get to drop?[/quote]

For a long time that was Anzu, but I finally got him to drop - so now my “White Whale” would be the Time Lost Protodrake. Every time I go hunting for him, it’s the rare that shares his spawn.

  1. I’d just moved and was looking for an MMO. It was between WoW and SW Galaxies. WoW had a cheaper subscription.

Technically I started on…Shadowmoon? I followed a friend from play by post RP and when I got there, he loaded me down with gold and bags and armor and weapons and…I left. It was zero fun to have someone hand you everything. I went to Llane from there and tried for 2 expacs to get a raid guild together on that server. It was pretty close to impossible.

So I decided screw it, I’d seen an ad on Live Journal (remember that hot mess?) for a new RP server. I landed here 2 weeks after the server opened, and it was absolutely loaded with paladins and DKs, and almost nothing else. I made a paladin and a DK to farm things, and a rogue as my RP main.

Topsail burning down a barn in RP. Zenrao’s alt running a tavern on an Alliance side alt. Hanging out with an RPer named Spetznaz. Trolling trade with Renhorn and When and Icyhot and Garack and all the other trade trolls. Having a bunch of guildies in my Dwarven guild all show up to a moot once with the title “Thane” in their TRP. They were all Thane of something. I remember us having a “Pants Thane.” Getting robbed ICly by two gnomes in SW about 5x in a row.

When I ran Smoke & Mirrors, most of the “raid” guilds here didn’t take us seriously (screw those guys). And then at the end of LK, we had a paladin tank named Kemp who happened to be standing in Wyrmrest Temple when Ruby Sanctum opened. And NO ONE ON THE SERVER KNEW!

So we kept our mouths shut in trade chat, threw together what raiders we had online and were the first guild to reach the boss. But by the time we got there, most of our raiders had to go offline for RL obligations. We’d cycled through about 20-25 people by then and were down to our casuals, so we couldn’t get him down. It was a few hours before another guild got server first.

When you could cap forum threads, I’d sit and monitor long threads when they got close to cap. And when we were within 1-2 posts, Cole and I would sit at our computers and literally SPAM “Victory for Sylvanas” to get them to cap saying that. And then when we’d get it, we’d laugh our asses off.

Like this, but noobier.

Uhhh…during LK in Smoke & Mirrors, decided to go play an alt on Alliance side one day. Came back to Hordeside a couple hours later and trade chat was in an uproar. Apparently one of my guildies had advertised a PUG raid, then ninja looted a mount. Thanks guy. Nothing like having to spend two hours telling trade that I’d gkicked him and his friend who’d been with him at the time.

I really wanted The Safety Dance.

  • When did you start playing? What brought you to Azeroth?
    -2006 November, right before Burning Crusade. My friend played WoW and I thought it was dope. My brother then soon after saw the South Park Episode and asked our mom for a copy and here we are.

  • Did you start on WRA or a different server? If another, what brought you here?
    -No, WRA is my second server. I originally started on Blackwing Lair-PvP. Super Horde population- the perfect place to learn to love PvP.

  • What are some of your favorite memories?

  • Getting the Ice barbed spear; getting the Unstoppable Force, Taking down Cairne Bloodhoof before he was killed by Garrosh; running huge World PvP events here like WARPATH, running world-spanning RP events with the Hand of Argus/Amil il Argus (even having websites for guilds and stuff); Skype with Against all Odds when I was briefly in that guild. There’s a ton.
  • What achievement or moment in all the time you’ve been playing, have you ever thought MAN, I ROCKED THAT!
    -Justicar title this past year. Frick yes

  • Funny moments?

  • I remember getting the first achievement of falling a certain distance and thought I was so smart that I could use the bubble to get it.
  • What were you like as a noob?
  • Had no clue about Protection/Ret differences so I just put all my talent points in Prot and used a 2H and geared with armor I thought looked dope instead of whether it was optimal.
  • Embarrassing moments?
    I’m sure I caused more than a few wipes lol

  • The one achievement or item you’ve never managed to get / get to drop?
    None come to mind.

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2004, baby! I try not to think about how long ago that was.

Started on Thorium Brotherhood, moved to Scarlet Crusade, then split between MG and WrA before eventually making WrA my main server. And now I’ve found myself back on MG. It’s weird how things work out.

I have a deep fondness for all of the weird and inexplicable RP trends we’ve seen come and go over the years.

That period during mid MoP when there was a sniper on every roof. Draenei players using Tongues to make them sound like Dracula if he had a concussion. SMC’s 1001 community councils. The plague events. The riots. Whatever the heck was going on at the Troll Tree.

I think I may have been one of the first people to run past the Bulwark and into the warm embrace of the Welcome Bear.



I’m not saying it’s weird there’s two of us…but it’s kinda weird there are two of us. Especially both rocking Void Elves.

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I started at launch as a child… now I’m old. A kid I grew up with played the beta and was really hyped about it (we previously played WC3 together, but I wasn’t really aware of WoW being in development). He wanted me to play it with him, so I got it. Ironically he stopped playing after a few months and I still hop in now and then decades later.

My first server was Argent Dawn, WrA didn’t exist back then. I followed a few of the free transfers, IIRC I went Argent Dawn->ThoBro->Moon Guard->Wra. I remember following the free transfers being a popular thing to do to get to the new, revitalized servers (ThoBro was sort of the site of an RP Renaissance in like 2007 I think), though I was reluctant to leave MG at the time and only went along because a friend wanted me to.

My first experience in the game was making the Dun Morogh->Kalimdor pilgrimage. I started as a dwarf (this same character, several race changes prior!) and my friend who played the beta assured me that Kalimdor was the place to be since you could fight Horde there. So at level ~7 we corpse hopped our way through the Wetlands.

This was probably a memorable experience for anyone who did it back in the day but it was really special to do at launch, since we got to be weird dwarf foreigners in a starting zone which didn’t have anyone like us. We were also some of the first alliance players on our server to discover Deviate fish on a similarly underleveled expedition to the Barrens, and bringing them back to Auberdine and hawking them to confused elves was a lot of fun.

Getting green fire in MoP comes to mind. It took me dozens of attempts and was probably the most gratifying piece of solo content I’ve ever gotten in the game.

I think my early RP characters were pretty funny because there were a lot of typical teenage tropes. My first character was a dwarf pirate (because I guess I thought pirates were cool? it was the early 2000s and pirates of the caribbean was popular?) but he never really managed to do anything piratey other than use cutlass-shaped weapons and try to get people to call him “captain”. Later RP characters included a raised-by-dark-irons Human because I wanted to use the “Tongues” mod’s dark iron language. Almost all my teenage characters were goofy like that.

As the aforementioned 2004 Dwarf Pirate I was very excited to train in guns, as a warrior, because I thought it would allow me to use guns as my primary weapon, which I felt was more piratey than swords or axes. I attempted to fight using only my rifle for an embarrassingly long time before I came to accept that it wasn’t working.

One item I always wanted was the super long sword from Legion-era invasion events

I tried for a while when Legion was current, but it never dropped. The requirements for getting it are rather frustrating (it is a rare drop from the lengthy invasion scenarios which are only available at certain times, and idk if you can even queue for them solo these days), so I just gave up.