20th Anniversary Event Ending Soon

Why does it have to be this way for every holiday and event? You can earn tokens right up until the last minute.

Life happens, shifts changes, kids need attention, and minds forget. Would it hurt to allow a way for players to do their turn ins for a week or so after a holiday ends so that all the work they put into earning something doesn’t vanish because the unexpected happened?

Better yet, have an NPC or holiday shop in the capitals where turn ins can be done all year. Stormwind/Orgrimmar commendation and Blizzcon vendors stuck around for years. Why can’t holidays be the same?


Damn blizz hoping this dont run out of steam by then

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Can it maybe go on until the 30th Anniversary Event? Pretty please?

I don’t really understand this. In the past you’ve been able to automatically convert deprecated currency to other currency or gold (which is also a currency, I know). Why not automatically convert bronze tokens to timewarped badges (or even gold, I guess) when the event ends? I don’t see any reason why not, other than taking the time to put in the code.


It would be nice if the vendors stuck around for a while after the event ends. That way people aren’t potentially screwed if they can’t, or forget to cash in their remaining tokens on the last day.

Maybe have a couple of weeks of NPCs dismantling the fairgrounds. All the quests would be gone, but the NPCs would grudgingly still sell you stuff.


Brilliant idea!


This event was pretty “meh” for a 20 Year celebration. I don’t think it was really given the time required to really make something special.

Honestly, this event was lazy, and unimaginative. I’d also like to point out that Blizzard directly stole the Mount Off Activity directly from Asmongold, who had been doing it for years before this event.

The mount off should have given mounts as rewards! Each 1-3rd place contestants could have shots at rare mounts dropping for winners.

The T2 armor sets look fantastic, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Blizzard putting HD versions of old tier gear on the store at some point. That or rare transmog sets.

The EXP boost was nice.

I’d also like to call attention to the fact that the three events were pointless after you get the achievements for them and you get your mount. Why did the events not have any prizes? You could have made the events stay full each time if there was reasons to keep doing them. This seems like a real missed opportunity.

I like that the three world boss drops were happening at a reasonable rate. It took me around 50 kills across my characters for me to get the Joint from Sha. The others I had, but still that was nice

The codex of chromie was pretty pointless other than free exp and tokens. Another missed opportunity.


Let that sink in.

To sum up, I’d call the entire event, a missed opportunity to really show that you guys care about the players; apparently, Bobby Kotic must have sold any integrity or feelings of putting the players first that the company once had.


Sad that classic tw’s are not going to be part of the regular rotation. Classic dungeons being part of time walking has been asked for since time walk dungeons became a thing.

What are you talking about? The 6 classic TW dungeons we’ve been doing are going to be part of the normal TW rotation like that post says. It will cycle back to classic after legion TW.


BRD raid was a ton of fun, hit the sweet spot between challenging and not overly complex (like many modern raids), and kept a lot of the spirit of the original dungeon. Would love to see it available when Classic timewalking is active.

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Hoping for BFA timewalking someday.

Shadowlands timewalking too.


It does not. There is only one vendor that has this language in their dialogue box and it’s the one that sells previous anniversary mounts and pets.

Storekeeper Reginald.

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Oh, so I don’t have to worry about getting the felcycle before next week? That’s good to know, actually. Wasn’t looking forward to that.


I thought the whole event was pretty cool overall.

Managed to buy everything on offer. Completed all the quests and achieves and get the mounts from the bosses in Tanaris.

Being able to convert the bronze to timewarped badges was really nice and having those rep tokens for the Zandalar faction was awesome. Was finally able to get them to exalted.

Finally got that timereaver mount or whatever it’s called doing the timewalking dungeons. So overall for me the whole anniversary was a win.



5+ more years of WoW confirmed!

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Sweet. Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering about the bike.

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Thank you so much for clarifying about the fel cycle mount. I was wondering if I had to hurry and get everything done for it. I only have done Guest Relations storyline and got the achievement for it. I am halfway done the hidden Guest Relations local stories so still got half more to do and then the crates are still left to do.

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This year’s event didn’t live up to the “20 years” hype, was kinda meh imo

For example, it’s the first anniversary event where we had to “earn” the full XP bonus… whereas in previous years you just got the full XP bonus simply by logging in. The old version with passive/automatic buffs was better

And also… it’s hard to “get in the mood” for such a nostalgia-themed event when there are devastating ongoing/unfixed bugs ever since TWW launched where the affected players have still not been made whole, some 4-5 months later :man_facepalming:

Rolling out an event based on “nostalgia” against a backdrop of progress-robbing bugs (some of the bugs literally wiped out years of player progress), it’s a bit ironic for sure…


Agreed. I’ve been slowly working on the Felcycle stuff. Currently at the pet battle part of it. Glad we can still work on it after the anniversary event has ended.

Also, I’m glad Blizzard is making it possible to start the Felcycle stuff after the event ends for those that still need to do the prerequisite stuff.

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missed opportunity right there!

should of lead your 1st post with “will the 20th anniversary event be coming back”