20th Anniversary Celebration: Vanilla Memories

I do miss the war stomp racial. I would trade my LFD orbital space laser for it.

I’ve considered making one for RP. Would be fun for our guild to have a Tauren in the ranks and I play them as a pretty straight forward good guy which would probably bring some balance to the gaggle of weirdos we have in the ranks


My best friend in Vanilla played a Tauren, Shaman and it personified him. Dude was a beast IRL, yet gentle, yet could stomp you if he were so inclined. I miss that guy a lot.


Oh man, I forgot about the first time I made a Horde character and started out in Durotar. I have no sense of direction irl, and none in-game either. Wound up scaling the cliffs of the noob zone (literally the spot right where you zone in) and fell into the bay outside Ratchet. And was eaten by a giant crab.

Burning Steppes was one of those zones I used to dream of getting to see. Every time I flew over and saw the ?? mobs, I’d think “I can’t wait to be high enough to see what level they actually are!”

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