208 Warrior LF raiding guild

< Soup or Guild > is a new Horde Guild on Area-52 recruiting for aotc/heroic while we round out the roster to start mythic progression as soon as possible. We have goals of pushing as far as we can, and going for CE.

Several of the guild leadership achieved CE in Legion and BFA.

We are currently 8/10 heroic and are hoping to clear heroic content in the next week or two.

Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.

This guild was created recently by a group of active players with mythic and cutting edge experience who enjoy all types of content. We already have almost a full 20 player roster for mythic, and are just looking to fill in a few more spots!
Ranged dps, and Warriors are highly preferred. However any skilled players would still be considered, and are welcome to come trial with us.

Anyone else is welcome to join for regular pvp and m+ content that will be run with the guild as well.

Become part of something great and grow with us!

Liger#11271 on Bnet
Liger#5309 on Discord
oxreborn#1287 on Bnet
oxreborn#5533 on Discord

or respond here for more info

Hey check us out and shoot me a message if it sounds like we may be a fit for you! [H]<Safehouse> Area 52 Late Night Guild 2 Night

Elevated guild

Shadowlands raid times :
Tues/Wed/sat - 6:30-9:30pm PST (sat will be heroic farm)

Mythic team
Current needs:

  • MM hunter
  • Unholy DK
  • Balance Druid
  • Any exception range DPS with good logs

AOTC+ team
Current needs:

  • Affliction warlock
  • Resto Shaman
  • Any exceptional DPS

Raider requirements:

  • Overall progression of knowledge at a reasonable pace
  • Mature, be able to handle constructive criticism
  • Discord (be able to listen at the least)
  • Preparedness (Repair, flasks, food, healing pots, prepots)

About us:
We’re a chill group of people, who are looking into some serious progression into mythic. We made it to 10/12M previous tier. We have lots of fun outside of raiding such as pvp, mythic + content, and whatever else you might be into. Extremely helpful to anyone with a positive attitude and looking to be part of our group. Light banter is par for the course on guild chat and discord, so don’t be easily offended.

We currently run a 25 man mythic roster based on performance/attendance. We also have a AOTC+ heroic focused raid and a community raid for casuals.

Apply at: elevatedguild com

Message : Abazaba#1420 for more info!

Hello there Emiz.

Extended Maintenance is a long established guild on US Silvermoon (connected realms: Drak’thul, Skywall, Mok’Nathal, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Hydraxis and Terenas), formed well over 11 years ago now! We are currently looking to do AotC and Mythic+ content going forward in the expansion with a player focused mentality.

Bellow is our current needs and requirements for raiding, however we are always looking for new, friendly and active players to join our community.

If we feel like a we might be a good fit for you, please shoot me a message via B.net or discord.

Scruffles#11132 (Battle Net)
scrufflesthewonderkin#0756 (Discord)


Tues & Wed 8-12 EST



Hi Caeli,

I don’t know if you’ve already found a new home, but if you’re still on the hunt, feel free to give us a look. My guild < Part Time Heroes > on Hyjal is a casual raiding guild. Our Mythic Raid Team is focused on getting Cutting Edge before the tier is finished. We are currently 1/10M and we could use a capable dps warrior to help us reach out goal!

Our raid days/times are Th/M 8-11pm PST. Not sure if that aligns well with what you’re looking for, but if you can swing the times, we may be a good fit! If you’re interested, I’d love to chat!

My Btag and a link to our guild post are below. Hoping to hear from you soon! Thanks!




Hello! And thanks for visiting Perfect Loot

We are looking to recruit more people to join our gaming community and mythic raiding environment, with a heavy focus on getting cutting edge every patch!

We are looking for DPS for our mythic raiding team!
Also looking to grow our gaming community, so all casual and game lovers are welcome!

We are currently looking for the following classes for Shadowlands!

Destro/Affliction Warlock
Shadow Priest
DPS Warrior
Sub Rogue
Ret Pally
Unholy DK
MM Hunter

Raid days are Tues-Thursday, hours are 8:30PM-11:30PM Eastern time.

Contact Gentleknight @ Gentle#11834 or Bazhunter @ bazhunter#1268

Thank you!

If you are looking for a new guild to kill some bosses and have fun, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10H and 2/10M. We currently are in the stages of rebuilding, so if getting CE quickly is a goal for you we may not be the right fit.

All are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Low, Tank: High, Holy: High
Warlock: Medium
Priest: Disc: Low, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: High, Boomkin: High, Resto: Low, Feral: Medium
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Low, Dps: Medium
Shaman: Resto:High, Ele: Medium, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank:Low, Dps: Low, MW: Low
Rogue: Medium
Warrior: Tank: High, Dps: High

Progression Raiding Schedule 8:00-12:00 EST (Inv starting at 7:30)
Tuesday(Prog) - Wednesday (Prog)- Thursday(Clean up/alts runs)

We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the right atmosphere and pushing to get CE.

-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.
-You can also fill out an application at: h ttps://apply.wowaudit.com/us/bleeding-hollow/fragment/main?preview
Discord: (Guildlead)Tracy#7543
Bnet: Tray#1125

Hello Emiz!

My guild is looking for reliable DPS and would love to give you a shot and see if we fit what you’re looking for in a guild. We are currently [10/10N, 9/10H, and 1/10M] and the top Horde Guild on our server looking to secure that spot despite the competition!

We have two separate Raid Teams, Progression and JV, who each run two nights a week.
Progression runs Tues & Thurs @ 8pm - 12am EST
JV runs Tues & Wed @ 8pm - 11:00pm EST
Progression Raiders are welcome to bring their mains or alts to JV nights as well!

We also have RBGs on Sundays and Guild Games/Events on Saturdays

General Requirements/Expectations:

Be respectful of others, while we have many high skill leveled players, we also have many who are still learning or not as experienced.
Communicate if you need any help or have any questions.
Come to raid prepared (gems, enchants, pots, flasks, food, knowledge, etc)
Consistent Attendance, letting us know via our discord attendance channel if you will be missing or late

I am happy to speak with you vocally over Discord. We like to speak with all potential recruits before they join, and would also love to run some keys with you and some of our guildies so you can get a good feel for our culture before making a commitment.

Hope to hear from you!

Chief, The Deadmen Guild Master
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
BTag: TheGantaGun#1518
Just add me as a friend and message me!

Hey Emiz! Coo Coo Kachoo is currently 10/10H 2/10M we raid M/T/TH 9pm-12am EST. We are looking for another strong dps to help round out our roster.

If you are interested feel free to contact me on Bnet: Rakitin#1573 or Discord: Rakitin#5193.

Coo Coo Kachoo formed at the end of BfA. We are currently 2/10M and are pushing to get CE within 3-4 months of the release of a tier. We are a very chill raid team that has fun while raiding but we expect our raiders to perform at a high level.

What we are looking for:
Our ideal candidate enjoys playing the game at a high level and striving to better themselves and their character. Someone who strives for greatness but overall just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game.

We use loot council for tradable loot. At the beginning of teirs BoEs are sold to fund the guild bank unless it is BiS or an essential piece for continued progression.

Raid Schedule:
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 9pm - 12:00am EST (6:00pm - 9:00am PST)

We are always looking for exceptional players but our current needs are as follows:

  • Healers: Disc Priest, Holy Paladin
  • Dps: Shadow priest, Hunter, Warlock, Boomkin, Ele Sham, WW monk, Warrior
  • Exceptional applicants of any type

Rakitin - Bnet: Rakitin#1573, Discord: Rakitin#5193
Drokor - Bnet Drokor#1150, Discord Weregamer#2024

Sounds like you’d be a great fit. Drop me a line if you’re interested.

Bloodfang Coven - [US] Tichondrius Horde

Who Are We?

Bloodfang Coven is a 10/10N, 8/10H Castle Nathria (4/12M Ny’alotha) casual raiding guild. We are active every day of the week (especially after 5PM PST) offering a wide variety of activities from raiding, mythic+, arenas, and more. We are a tight-knit group of gamers who are committed to raid progress, while remaining fairly casual players. Having fun while being committed to making progress is what we do best!

Who Are We Looking For?

We accept any player of any level, class or playstyle into our guild. Our goal is to build a community of cool and fun people to level and do end-game content with. Nearly anyone is permitted to join. For raiding, Core members are expected to attend regularly and on time, while Alternate members are not required to attend. Core members are always given priority with guild resources and raid group spots.

Raid Days: Tues/Weds 7PM-10PM PST


  • Any players interested in M+
  • Core Raiders:
    • Ranged DPS preferred
      • 2 Affliction Warlocks
      • Balance Druid (Resto offspec a plus)
    • Venthyr Arms Warrior
    • Unholy Death Knight

Why#6455 on Discord (Toborxlw in-game), Sandwich#1126 on Discord (Kegslain in-game)

Expectations for Core raiders:

  • Be relaxed and fun but when we are ready to pull, focus up.
  • Be knowledgeable of your class (know your rotation, do the simple things)
  • Attendance! BE ON TIME PLEASE (if not PLEASE let the raid/RL know)
  • Keeping a competitive edge throughout raid tier
  • Good, respectable attitude and not toxic (we are here to have fun and push content!)

Hey there, I think our raid times would work out well for you. We have a ton of previous top 100 players in this guild and we will be CE by tiers end. Check us out!

Eternal Order | Alliance | Sargeras|

RAID TIMES: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday night at 9:00 pm EST


9/10 Heroic. We have Heroic Sire in phase 3 consistently to about 5%. We’ve taken mythic Shriekwing to 50% with minimal attempts. We will be CE by the tiers end. We need more players on our roster, it’s the only reason we aren’t further along.

Our core raid team will be pushing progression at a steady pace, but without you having to kill your schedule. We have dependable, talented core players that will help us get through the content and put it on farm mode. We have a laid back raid environment while taking the content down.


We need ranged DPS and healers. Exceptional players of other roles will be considered.

Hey! We are a semi-hardcore guild that completes the content in a laid back environment while being serious-minded about progression. Mythic+ keys is something we love to do and are always looking for more players to run them with. Our guild is extremely social and we like to communicate with each other outside of raid times.


Our guild has adults 20-35+ with lives outside of World of Warcraft. Real-life comes first. We believe you can enjoy raiding without the constant activity outside of raid.


⦁ Players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun while still being focused on content completion.

⦁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⦁ Players that arrive raid ready with a strong ability to play their class, understand boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

Gear Requirements:
Ilvl 200 is the current minimum to join.


Awesome! Contact Brobøt (me) to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we are the home for you!


** Brobøt **

BNET: Br4wn#1859 or Cabose#1677

DISCORD: Brobot#8506 or Cabosetv#0275

Hey, we really need an arms warrior for our progression team. We are on thrall, 9/10H. Raid times on Tues/Thurs 8-11 pm est. If you are interested shoot me a message on Bnet (Naddy#11821)

We are WinterGuard, currently 3/10m a raid oriented guild that is pushing for Cutting Edge each raid tier. We also welcome casuals, M+ pushers, and PVPers, but the main focus will always be raiding. If you are interested in mythic raiding, we are ALWAYS recruiting and looking for new members to strengthen our roster. If you or someone you know is interested, have them talk to me directly. We hold our raiders to a high standard, and will make changes as necessary to accomplish our goal of CE. There will be no hard requirements as far as play time, attendance, ilvl, etc., however each of those things will play into your performance, and will therefore ultimately play into whether or not you get into raids. IF THERE ARE EVER ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PLEASE ASK ME.
We raid 3 nights a week for 9 hours total with additional optional raid on other days depending on the week. T/W/Th 10pm-1AM EST. There will be a clear schedule each week, so please refer to that or ask me for any questions.
If you are not here to raid you are also welcome. Everyone please enjoy your stay here and have fun!

You can contact me on Discord at Torvon#0716 or Bnet at Laolis#1620.
or Bnet Dagani#11630 Discord Lotharios#3677

Hello! Officer Chat on Zul’jin is 9/10 heroic and looking to fill an arms warrior spot so we can move into our mythic progression. We raid 8pm-11pm pacific time on Tuesday/Wednesday nights and an optional heroic clear on Fridays. We’re a happy little family looking to push what we can into Mythic. We’d like to hit CE but we also want this game to be a game, not a second job.

We’re fun to hang out with and do stuff throughout the week. We are also LGBTQ+ friendly, as more than a few of our members and officers hit one or more of those letters. If any of this sounds interesting to you my discord is Lilith#0372

Hey there! My guild is 10/10 N 7/10 H . We are looking for a warrior! If you are interested in coming over to zuljin and raiding with us twice a week tues/thurs . Check out my post or DM me for any questions. RainbowTea#0009

Hey Caeli! Mediocre - Bleeding Hollow [H] – 10/10H – 2/10M - is currently looking for a good Warrior for our Mythic roster. Our schedule might lineup with the days you are looking for. We are a newly reformed guild with many members that have been playing together for 5+ years.

Below you can find a few more details about us.

Mediocre is a new guild composed of Mythic raiders who have been playing together for over 5 years. We currently have 2/10M completed and are looking to fill remaining slots for our Mythic progression roster. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild; which means we like to have fun but also take raiding seriously. Currently we raid 2 days a week (Wed/Thur).

Ideal Players:

  • Active and competitive

  • Have an understanding of Mythic raiding

  • Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play

  • Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance

  • Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week

Our current raid schedule is:

Wednesday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)
Thursday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)

Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Scymas#1375 (Recruitment)

KixxiGaming#1211 (Recruitment / Guild Master)

Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead / Guild Master)

Hey would love to talk to you more - add me on bnet - Br33zE#1594
or Discord Br33ze420#9584
We raid Wed/Thur/Sat(optional) 9-12 est
10/10H Looking to fill final spots for mythic prog. - Bleeding Hollow

Hello Emiz,

Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.

Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)

Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)

Thank you,
Real ID add

We have a trial night set for Tuesday at raid time

Hey there, i think our guild would be a great fit for you. We are currently recruiting a dps warrior for a core spot and i would love to chat with ya. Look forward to hearing from you!
