208 Resto Shaman LF Mythic Raiding Guild

Hello all I am currently looking for a mythic raiding guild, looking for EST raid times that end no later than 11 EST drop yo info


Hey there! Hard Stuck is currently looking for a healer to fill up the last healing spot on the roster! We raid 7-10pm CST on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We’ve just started going through Heroic on CN and would love to have you consider us. :slight_smile: You can contact us through Discord, for more information please check out our listing as shared above.

“Resurgence” Of Bleeding Hollow. is 1/10H Recruitment. Healers and Ranged DpS

We are a group a CE raiders who have been raiding together, some since classic, Ranging from hardcore to semi.
We pride ourselves with structure, and being able to complete content all while having fun!

What we expect from any raider new or old:

  • motivated to research class/encounters
  • verbal in raid setting
  • takes criticism well

What you can expect from us:

  • A drama free guild
  • experienced leaders in many aspects of the game
  • Fair system, favoritism highly discouraged

Raid days / times : Wed,Thurs 8-11pm EST.

Greetings nerd, I am Tenero and I have decided to form a new raiding guild on Turalyon [H]. I am a long time WoW raider, with guild leading experience, and many cutting edges throughout the years. This raiding guild has two purposes. To obtain Cutting Edge every tier, and to form a fun and supportive community.

Our raid times will be Sat/Sun 7-10:30pm EST. Because of our limited raid time, that means our efforts have to be concentrated on efficiency. I will expect raiders to be prepared for raid, know the fights, and be positive during raids. All our efforts will be put towards maintaining an effective environment, so egos will need to be put aside for the greater good. I plan to hold every raider to the same high standard.

We are currently in need of any good players. We will be raiding the first weekend of the raid tier, and will start forming our roster.

This is the perfect opportunity to get in on the ground level of a future cutting edge weekend guild.

Contact us at:
battlenet - jrhoades#1105

DIscord - slick#7458


Hi ama!

Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall

Who Are We?
Predictive Gaming is gearing up for Shadowlands, and currently looking for core raiders and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.

Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST

Current Progression: 10/10N 4/10H

Our Goals and Requirements
Our goal is to push as much content as possible while not losing sight on our ultimate goal, to enjoy World of Warcraft.

Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Ranged dps / Healers / 1 tank

Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com

[The Unnamed] is a 3/10 H 10/10 N guild on Darkspear that has just returned from taking a break during MoP. The guild has existed since the end of BC, and a majority of the core players have raided together for 8+ years. We are currently recruiting for M+ and Heroic raiding and plan to do Mythic raiding when our roster is full. Must be exceptionally good at interrupts.

Raid schedule:

Tuesday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Thursday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Sunday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

M+ Pushing will occur on weekends and Mondays. .

We are also considering an optional night for alts / gear catch up and M+ organization.

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently recruiting an off tank, preferably a Prot Paly or guardian druid. We are also looking for rdps, especially a hunter, lock, and a mage. In terms of melee dps, we are only looking for a demon hunter and/or a rogue (must have exceptional logs because we are already melee heavy). At this time, we are recruiting a disc priest and a holy paly for our mythic healer core.

If you’re interested, hit up one of the following people in-game or via Discord:

Shatter - Co-leader and Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Shatter - Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Potential recruits will need to take part in a discord interview. Please have logs from current content (If you do not have logs, please be willing to explain your class in-depth in the discord interview).

We hope to hear from you soon!!

still looking

still looking


Immediate class needs (as of 12/19/2020):
Note: “High” means that there’s an immediate position available for the class/spec mentioned. “Low” means that while we’re happy with the class currently on our roster, we would still consider someone who could pull competitive numbers. Our roster is very flexible, so even if your class is listed as "Low” or not listed at all, don’t let it deter you from submitting an application with us.

Boomkin: Medium
Death Knight: VERY HIGH!

Shaman: VERY HIGH!

About Us:
Prowess is a Mythic progression guild on Malganis, a high pop Horde dominated realm. The guild was founded in October of 2019 with the humble desire to be a guild that could completely clear all Mythic content while it was still relevant, and also maintain an environment that was both competitive and friendly. It is comprised of some of the top players across several MMOs who have played together for years.

Our definition of hardcore raiding involves making the most out of our collective time together. It is up to each member to come completely prepared for the fights that we’ll be working on. This involves high communication and activity on our guild website. Members are expected to be highly self-motivated, and willing to find out the latest theorycraft data on their classes. You should always be pushing yourself to improve with each opportunity to raid, and to never be satisfied with your own performance.

What we offer you:
• A team that can consistently clear all Mythic content.
• Mythic+ push groups.
• A fun, competitive, and positive raid environment.
• An active community inside and outside of WoW.
• Alt raiding
• Flasks, potions, repairs, and food buffs provided
• Opportunities for high ranked PvP
• Gold making opportunities through Heroic/Mythic sales

Shadowlands Raid Schedule:
Monday - Thursday 7:45PM - 11PM EST (First 5 weeks of new tier)
Tuesday - Thursday 7:45PM - 11PM EST (After)

Alt Program:
You are REQUIRED to have one geared alt for Shadowlands progression.

Officer Contacts:
Santô – Recruitment
• Santo#11753 (Battle-Net)
• Santo#2571 (Discord)

Ethreain – Raid Leader
• Tiran#1552 (Battle-Net)
• Naggal#0259 (Discord)

Serrow - Officer
• Serrow#11367 (Battle-Net)
• Serrow#5984 (Discord)

Ryanlockwood - Healing Officer
• Octavarium#1180 (Battle-Net)
• Emounicorn#3749 (Discord)

We’re always interested in trialing exceptional players, so if you think you could be a solid addition to our guild, please get in contact with us today!

Thank you for taking the time to look into us, and we hope to hear from you soon!

still looking

5/10H 10% wipe on Lady 11/12M Ny’alotha
We are looking for exceptional players that want to hit the ground running in Shadowlands, to join our already capable roster. Our goal is to maintain a fun and positive raid environment focused on progression while still maintaining a community. We are in need of “self starters” meaning players that are willing and capable of doing their own research prior to raid and have a good understanding of raid/class mechanics.

About us

Imperial Guard is an established raiding guild that has members playing together dating all the way back to Dragon Soul. We are located on Horde Illidan. Imperial Guard is a progression focused guild that intends on pushing content as far as we possibly can while still maintaining a fun environment. We run content of all difficulties so that each individual member of the guild will feel like they are a part of the group. We also host many alt runs with a weekly run on Saturday 7CST. If raiding is not your thing, join us for keys! While we are not raiding we fill our time pushing mythic keystones, we have many members that range from just starting out to pushing 3k+ io.
Alt raid days & times

Tuesday: 7-10pm CST (optional)

Raid days & times
Thursday: 7pm-10pm CST
Friday: 7pm-11pm CST


We also have a very active mythic+ community with many players pushing 3-4k io

Non raiders are also welcome to join the guild while they get ready for raiding or just wanting to find a cool group of people to hang out with and kill some normal bosses for sh!ts and giggles.

Contact Info

GM/RL Thirdpint
Thirdpint#1124 -discord
Tiekenee#1613 - Btag

Officer- TIki
Tikipunch#1374 - Btag

still looking

still looking

Hi there! Just going to leave our info down here. This is a group filled with CE experienced raiders that are looking for competitive players to quickly run through Mythic with.



[N] Castle Nathria: 10/10
[H] Castle Nathria: 8/10

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday & Thursday : 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
*Saturday & Sunday: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST

  • Sat & Sun are for sale runs as well as casual alt and achievement runs for those who want to participate. These are also subject to change based on availability

Recruitment Needs :

  • Tank: Low Priority
  • Healer: High Priority
  • Melee DPS: Medium Priority
  • Range DPS: Medium Priority
    If your class is a low priority on recruitment do not be discouraged in applying or contacting someone in the Guild. Anyone who is exceptional at their class will be noticed and offered a chance at a core raiding position.

About Us! :
< Swank > is a two day progression guild on Mal’ganis - a competitive, high population Horde server located on the Chicago data center. We strive to push progression on a light schedule (8 hours per week, 4 hours per night), and our goal is to be a leading force for end game, becoming a top guild on Mal’ganis. We’re in search of like-minded players, who are willing to push themselves to achieve this goal on a two day a week schedule.

We don’t expect perfection, but we do expect a high level of class mastery, encounter knowledge, and mechanical execution. This requires preparation through proper itemization, talent choice, consumable use, and encounter research. Furthermore, we like versatile players who can competently play multiple classes and multiple roles; this indicates a well-rounded understanding of the game.

Moreover, we value players who are respectful of other raiders’ time. Having fun and raiding are not mutually exclusive, but progression requires focus and optimal time management. With 8 hours of raiding per week, it’s paramount that raiders come to raid with knowledge of progression encounters. When you optimize your own play, you optimize the guild’s play.

We understand that mistakes are part of the learning process; however, we do not tolerate people continually making the same errors. We need raiders to adapt quickly to situations and learn from the mistakes they and others make. We emphasize teamwork and openness to constructive criticism. Raiders are encouraged to bring issues (with strategy or other players) to the attention of officers.

Expectations :

  • If information is available, study current and future progression fights.
  • Treat people inside of the guild and outside with respect.
  • Respect the time people dedicate to raids.
  • Be able to adapt quickly to changes in strategies or mistakes.
  • Bring a positive attitude and be able to take constructive criticism, as well as give your own if needed.
  • The ability to communicate is a must: having a working microphone is a requirement.
  • Be an active Mythic + participant as this is an easy way to get gear.
  • Have the motivation to constantly get better and push yourself, study logs to try to improve your performance and raid contribution.
  • Understand that we hold competitive positions, and continued performance issues will result in a re-trial or removal of a players raid spot.

How to Apply! :

Contacts :
GM : Kylore (Bnet: GoblinSmithy#1769 | Discord: GoblinSmithy#3846 )

Looking for a strong Resto Shaman.


< Milkshake > is off the ground running! We currently are 7/10 H with the realm’s 15th kill on Heroic Huntsman.

Created by individuals who ran CE + Hardmode progression guilds in the past with a Raid Leader with multi-CE experience. We are returning to pick it back up and carve out our name on the server.

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 8est - 11est

We are a group of adults who have real lives outside of WoW but want to take the time we do set aside to kill pixels seriously. Offering a non-toxic or hostile environment, we do have higher expectations for individuals looking to actively participate in progression content.


  • Be raid ready. You are expected to come with all the enchants and spending the required time between raids to perfect and better your character. If you are looking to raid log, we are not the guild for you.
  • Research the fights. We will give the key points before fights but fully expect anyone on a fight roster to be already aware of the fight. We will supply the sources to research but you have to leverage them.
  • Always stay updated on your class. There are many ways to “stay in the know” for your class. Discord, websites, etc. The expectation is that you are staying up to date with changes to stay as optimal as possible.
  • Be a team player. We will have a roster over 20 and fights may dictate needing different compositions. You may sit out on progression if you do not have a class or role that can be shifted in.
  • Don’t be a jerk. We have zero tolerance for racism, sexism, or any bigoted topics. We are looking to foster a strong community that will grow and transverse games. Don’t be a jerk or we will gladly show you the door.

Still around after that? Perfect! We are looking for strong players that are looking to work as a team and push content at a swift pace.

What do we offer?

  • Progression-focused atmosphere. We are built on, by, and around pushing cutting edge content without the drama. The goal is Cutting Edge, so let’s get there having a good time.
  • We will help you prepare. We will compile the information you need to know about the encounter mechanics. We will spend the time investigating the best strategies. You just need to learn them.
  • Strong Mythic+ community. Most of the core of the guild are strong Mythic+ runners, living in the top 1-50 ranks. We have to do something between raids, right?
  • No Drama. We have a firm stance against drama. We are paying to have a good time and we plan on the guild reflecting that goal.
  • Be an integral part. You won’t be a number. The guild functions on a council and direction from the Mythic Raider team. There is full transparency, you help dictate the direction of every element of the guild.

Current Needs:
** = High Need



Ranged DPS: OPEN


** Mage
** Hunter
** Warlock

Healer: OPEN


** Shaman

All strong player should apply!


Join our Discord: discord. gg/cpQN3Ncdrm

(remove the spaces)

Feel free to reach out:

  • Discord: Seanishly#3666

  • BattleNet: Monster#15141

We are in high need of a R Shaman if you can swing the extra hour!


We are recruiting all roles and classes for Shadowlands

Our Current High Needs Are

Tanks - Low
Healers - Shaman, Holy Priest, Druid
Mele - Warrior, Demon Hunter, Feral Druid
Ranged- Boomkin, Mage, Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman, Warlock,

All required needs listed here :


WoW Guild mYtHiC rAiDeRs @ Stormrage :: WoWProgress - World of Warcraft…

Who We Are
We are old friends of the game who have majorily raided in US 50th or higher guilds with the core leaders going as high as Top 10 US. We are looking to form a community of competitive players that are able to clear current content along with being a close knit group who enjoy playing games outside of WoW after progression.


We are looking for players with strong raiding backgrounds along with the drive to be the best players on the server. We need you to be on your A-game so that we can achieve CE on our 2 night a week schedule.

We do not recruit bench players

We do not do any splits and therefore do not require any alts

We raid 2 nights a week. Sunday 9pm - 12am, Monday 8pm - 12am EST

If you are interested in a competitive raid environment but also a place to call home please fill out the application linked below.
If you have any questions, please contact us vis Discord AFTER filling out the application.

Google Docs

mYtHiC rAiDeRs Application Form

Mancheese#5991 (Recruitment Officer)


Updates 12/22/2020

still looking for the right fit

still looking