Get rank 4 essence without previous rank?

Is it possible to skip the rank 1-3 essence requirement if you can meet the rank 4 requirement or will it not work until the lower ranks are obtained?

While not an easy feat it seems like the faster route for some of them.

Is there something I am missing?

Yes it’s possible to get only rank 4s, altho Crucible of Flame is a quest chain so you’ll get all the ranks

Earning Rank 3 of an Essence is a prerequisite to unlocking its Rank 4.

At the same time, some activities that that are required for Rank 4, such as earning a 2400 rating in PvP, can be accumulated while you’re still at Ranks 1 and 2.

Needing 2400 rating in PVP is stupid.


just cause your not good at playing against an actual person , and prob only plays against a computer AKA pve… doesn’t mean its stupid. LUL

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That’s like wanting your Insignia Rank 6 before you get 1, or your 100-tier talents before your 20-tiers … no.

Can you collect a rank 4 essence though say from the Rustbolt paragon chest before you have learned the rank 3, and just not learn it until later?