207 BM Tank LF H/M Guild - Similar Geared Druid/Pally For Swap

Is your current tank tired of being smacked in the face, or got hit so hard they straight up left the raid team?

Good news then! I’m looking for a guild that raids 2-3 days a week starting from as early as 7PM PST to as late as 12AM PST. Currently 3/10H on a casual team, but I am looking to push and find a guild that better suites my ideologies towards raiding. I always come well prepared with knowledge of fights/consumes/cauldrons etc. and am looking for a team that has goals of AOTC and an average of ~ 1/2 the raid on mythic as an ending point for previous raid tiers. I’m satisfied not going 10/10M but will strive to get as far as the team can together as long as we are progression focused and making strides forward.

As the title states, I have a paladin & druid on deck I can easily swap to either w/ similar ilvl attainable. Willing to faction/server change for the right guild and will happily provide logs.

Outside of raid you can find me in M+/Arenas, Diablo, COD, OW etc.

If you have further questions, or think you have a spot that I can help fill, please post the info. down below and I will add you.


Th/F 9 PM PST to Midnight PST Raid Schedule

Add me on BNet @ B00t5#1776 to chat more

Will add when I’m off today, thanks.

Still looking for additional options, thank you!

Still looking for additional options, thank you!

Check our post and lmk if you think it’d be a good fit.

[H] Shady Acres - 1/10M - LFM DPS | HPS | TANK - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Check us out and let us know what you think!!!



T and Th 9:30 to 12:30 pst 9/10 heroic xp core is looking. Hit up remind#1260 in game if interested.

Still looking? Looking to add a tank 10/10 Heroic starting Mythic shriek tonight. Hmu on bnet Abe1224#1820