206 boomie/resto LFG

Looking to push m+, pvp and casual raid

Hey howdy,

We are currently looking to add more ranged dps to our roster, if our guild seems like a good match and a right fit, feel free to reach out to us and have a great evening!


Who Are We

[Supremum] is a group of returning World of Warcraft veterans who have completed Cutting Edge, Ahead of the Curve and multiple Keystone Master achievements. We are longtime players of the game for almost a decade or more looking to build a fresh team for the Shadowlands expansion. Our Discord chat is lively with various topics from theorycrafting to topics appropriate for our name. We have pushed progression throughout various expansions and are looking to add more solid and committed raiders and high mythic key runners to our roster to build a community of like-minded players for the castle nathria raid tier and beyond.


7/10 Heroic Castle Nathria

10/10N Normal Castle Nathria

Raid Times

Raid times will be on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm to 12am EST. We run M+ keys outside of raid time.

Applicant Requirements

  • A minimum of 90% attendance is required to stay on the active raid roster.

  • Logs of your previous raid experience or raider[dot]io, preferably from the most current Tier.

  • Completion of a weekly Mythic+ of the current gear cap (+10/+15) for maximum gearing opportunities.

  • A functioning headset with mic.

Guild Recruitment Needs

Role Spec Offspec. Need
Death Knight Unholy Blood High
Hunter Marksmanship - High
Mage Fire - High
Warlock Affliction - High
Druid Balance Restoration Medium
Shaman Elemental Restoration Medium
Priest Discipline Holy Medium
Priest Shadow - Low

We are looking for Exceptional Applicants in the selected roles shown above. Even if you are not listed above but still feel you are an Exceptional Applicant that would be a good fit for the guild please do not hesitate to contact us to fill out an application for a trial raiding position.

For questions, please message any of the following officers/recruiters :

Triadge: Triadge#1814 (Battle.net)/Triadge#0075 (Discord) - GM

Shavoni: Myirium#1405 (Battle.net) / Myirium#0898 (Discord) – Recruitment

Gagorn: Gish#11857 (Battle.net)/Gish#3961 (Discord)

Hello Fables!

Name: Grim Batol Surfers
Faction: Horde
Realm: Tichondrius
Voice Comms: Discord
Raid Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays

Raid Times:
Start: 7:00 PM (PT)
End: 10:00 PM (PT)

Current Raid Progression and Needs:
Normal Castle Nathria 4/10

We are looking for more members to fill out our raid roster so we can finish Normal and move on to Heroic for AoTC. We are in need of both dps and healers. We have a friendly and active community that consistently runs torgast, keystones, and helps one another gear. Though our raid environment is relaxed, it is also focused and driven to meet goals. Raiders are expected to come prepared with gems/enchants, food, flasks, etc. (feasts and cauldrons will be provided as guild resources allow) and a positive attitude.

About Our Community:

We are a rag-tag crew of misfits that just didn’t fit the norm of how other guilds seem to operate today. We have a zero-tolerance policy for toxicity and drama here. There are no elitist, ‘I’m holier than thou!’ attitudes. If you think you’re better than everyone else, then you stand alone and should probably find somewhere else to go. We’re a family…and we’re welcoming you to be part of that!

One of the most important things you need to know about us is that we are a very inclusive guild that takes real life limitations into consideration. Many of our guild members have disabilities, health problems, IRL issues, etc. that can affect their overall gameplay and the amount of time they can put into WoW. If you intend to join our ranks, you need to be understanding of this and not be disrespectful. In past expansions, we have achieved AOTC while still holding true to these ideals. At the end of the day, we are a family and we look out for one another – first, foremost, and always! We are here to encourage one another to do better in-game and in life through constructive criticism and understanding. This is a community that cares about more than just your dps, hps, ilvl, etc. You are a PERSON, not just a number in the roster.

We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are interested in joining GBS, contact:

Community: Hillery#11208
Raiding: Medusa#1479
PvP: Kovacz #1233

INFINITE THEORIES on Bloodhoof/Duskwood is currently recruiting dps for our raid team. We have a very small but strong core of players who have been raiding off and on together since WotLK that decided to make our own guild and just want to clear heroic raids with a few mythic kills and have fun. With people out of town or family in town etc for the holidays we currently have been making prep to clear Heroic starting into the new year. Our raid schedule is Sunday and Friday at 8PM EST running until 11pm. As a guild we are currently making our way into +10s and 10/10N, 1/10H with Heroic progression starting this week.

So get with us, lets chat, maybe run something and see if we can gel! If we like you enough we will pay for transfers!

Add me on bnet Nioxous#1598 or Discord Nio#8203 and thanks for your time!

Akai Soubi has been an established guild on Uther since Molten Core with multiple server firsts from BC through Cata. Now, we are a primarily Heroic flex raiding guild but maintain our commitment to hard work and excellence. We are looking for likeminded individuals who enjoy being part of a fun, silly, helpful community and have the skills/drive to get the job done! We raid heroics competitively and also have groups going for mythic dungeons (typically evenings/weekends).

Raid schedule:

Pacific Time Zone

Wednesday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Thursday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

To apply:

Please contact either Solsti (Btag: Solange#1331, Discord: Solsti#9701) or Bort (Btag: sleepyfish#1172, Discord: Bort#6743).

If our raid times fit your schedule please reach out! I would love to chat :blush:

Weekend looking for gamers :muscle:

[H] 3/10M+AOTC WEEKDAY 6-10PM CST! AOTC WEEKEND 7-11PM CST! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hey there, my guild Memoria on Mal’ganis is actually looking for a balance/resto druid to help us finish out AOTC and push keys with. We raid thursdays/mondays 8-11EST. Add me on discord if you’d like to chat, Opkorean#9444.

Best of luck!

Hey Fables!


Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall

Who Are We?
Predictive Gaming is gearing up for Shadowlands, and currently looking for core raiders and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.

Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST

Current Progression: 10/10N 8/10H

Our Goals and Requirements
Our Goal is to push for CE on a relaxed raiding scheduling.

Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Holy Paladin , 1 Tank , ranged dps (pref lock)

Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com

Sanitize is a Mythic raiding guild that is dedicated to achieving CE every tier from here on out. After our late forming under the name of Two Piece and a Biscuit, we finished Nyalotha 11/12M in a little over 4 months time. We have the skill, mindset, dedication and motivation to grow a loyal and skilled group of players who are wanting to achieve CE under a relaxed atmosphere.

Currently recruiting:
UH DK, (High)
Boomkin, (High)
Holy Paladin, (High)
Resto Shaman, (High)
Shadow/Holy Priest, (Medium)
Warrior DPS, (Medium)

**All exceptional raiders are welcomed and offered a trial. **

Raid Times:
Tuesday 9-12 EST
Thursdays 9-12 EST
Friday 9-12 EST (Optional Heroic)

We do have a more casual group of players who raid Heroic only on the weekend if mythic is not something you’re up for.

We also have quite the group of M+ pushers in the guild that are on various times of the day and week. If you like to push Keys we have the people who will push with you.

If this sounds like the type of atmosphere you are interested in and want to contact us about a trial or for more information, please don’t hesitate to add myself or our GM on Btag.
GM/RL: Shel, Shel#1608.
Officer: Enzine, Levi#1494.

Guild - Reunion or Whatever
Realm: Whisperwind (US)
Faction: Alliance
Raid Times - 2 Nights (Tues/Wed) 7 - 10pm cst

10/10 Normal - Castle Nathria
8/10 Heroic - Castle Nathria
Realm First - 15+ Keystone (Timed)

Recruitment Needs
2 Exceptional DPS of the following specs is prefered:
Affliction Warlock
Fire Mage
Balance Druid
Marks Hunter
Unholy DK
Ret Pally
Windwalker Monk

Formerly known as After Life (BC through Wrath) and Victory or Whatever (Cata through Mists)

With some original officers and raiders back to retail looking to enjoy shadowlands and raiding together again, we reformed our raid team! 2 nights a week, 6 hours, but something we have been able to do in the past at a high level. We strive for a laid back atmosphere, but you’ll get roasted and people will laugh. We’ll make fun of you for wiping the raid for years after it happens, trust me, this happens to all of us. That’s what friends do! Light hearted fun, but take constructive criticism well. We are all adults and just want to enjoy the game again.

We will be pushing Mythic progression on a light schedule, with the talent and abilities to do so. Come prepared to raid!

Of course, beyond the raiding aspect, we are rolling mythic keys and some members enjoy the PVP aspect as well. Casual players are always welcome to come and we will bring you on our normal/heroic farms and work you into mythic clears as well when the content has been placed on farm.

Bnet - Peejay#1460
Discord - Peejay#8656

Hello! Officer Chat is a newly formed guild looking to see how far we can get this tier. Our leadership went 10/12m in Nya’lotha and is 10/10h in Nathria. We want to push for CE before the end of the tier without this becoming a second job for everyone. We’re also committed to this guild feeling like a second home. We want to be friendly and do content together likem+ or pvp or transmog farming.

Our raid days and times are Tuesday/Wednesday 11pmEST- 2amEST. My Discord is Lilith#0372, reach out if you wanna know more!

Hey there!

We are reforming an older guild on Mal’Ganis with many core raiders. We are looking to casually raid 2 nights a week while also pushing M+. The goal is to clear heroic raids and go into mythic when time allows, but not stressing mythic very much.

If this interests you please contact me.
Discord Admera#4463