Cataclysm Classic: Baradin Hold: Alizabal Now Live!

Cataclysm Classic: Baradin Hold:  Alizabal Now Live!

In Hour of Twilight, Deathwing’s reign of terror will finally come to an end. Featuring a new raid, unexplored dungeons, a legendary rogue quest line, the latest raid tier armor sets, major story developments, and much more. Hour of Twilight has something for everyone.

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What happened to the catch up dungeons? Another program cut?


They just want to speedrun cata so they can make bank on “Boosting Service” from pandaria

  1. No information on legendary dagger acquisition rate
  2. No information on Inferno Rune Dungeon Update
  3. No information on Raid Finder gear replacement
  4. No recent information on condensing servers to help server population

Speed run to the bottom


Just speedrun to the classic-retail merge so i can get my zulian tiger thanks :+1:

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okay but when is 11.1


I find it funny that Deathwing failed to burn down Teldrassil but Sylvanas succeeded.

For shame Deathwing, for shame! :roll_eyes:

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Rushed patch yay!!!

rushed and probably the tunning is absolute garbage… I expect bugged stuff and overtunned.

No mention of the new infernos so probably 200% hp and 50% more damage.

I see Normal and Heroic, but no mention of LFR. It’s on the PTR, or it was. It was also previously announced it would be here.
I’m quite casual and don’t have a raid team.
Nothing forces you to participate in LFR. If you don’t like it, don’t utilize it


LFR has been removed due to “requests”.

Mop will not have LFR for now either.

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LFR was put on pause because they messed something up.

Don’t lie it had nothing to do with requests.


Shhh otherwise how do keep the guy yapping the same garbage over and over.

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no more handouts.
sink or swim.

it takes 10 seconds to go over the blue posts and see that they delayed lfr

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LFR is now Phase 5… MoP delayed until winter… would not be surprised.

MoP prepatch 2027 Hype

well with the lack of any announcements i guess the new Elemental Rune dungeons really will just be +200% health and +100% damage.

I didn’t mind the burning so much as…where the hell did the uber catapults go? even with a flight master or max flight tha run is long as hell from auberdine.

Horde had a super weapon, going in horde rp mode…cool. Where the hell did they go?

Goblins forget how they made them? the few they made get lost in transit?