Carve Out a Rewarding Career in Undermine Cartels

Carve Out a Rewarding Career in Undermine Cartels

Get a glimpse into goblin culture, society, and unparalleled creativity as you navigate the intricate politics and confront the sinister plans of Xal'atath; you'll meet the four major goblin cartels: Steamwheedle, Blackwater, Bilgewater, and the Venture Company.

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When did the Venture Co. stop being the bad guys?

I remember killing them all the time, but now they have a new cutie Goblina Leader, so I guess all is forgiven.


No release date announcement yet?


The hunter pets look cool, especially the radioactive rat.

Only thing wrong with this intro vid is @0:22 when he says ā€œinnovation, engineering, the works.ā€

ā€¦ bro, itā€™s ā€œda WOIKS!ā€

A rare slip out of goblin ā€œJersey Shoreā€ accent. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean their description specifically calls them out as not exactly the moral choice.

If you want to stay in character then just donā€™t work for them. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Theyā€™re a goblin cartel, they could still be the ā€œbadā€ guys but for this particular storyline theyā€™re on our side against Gallywix.

Letā€™s see the story unfold before making assumptions that all is forgiven.

notable in this introduction to the various cartels, that there was no mention, not even in passing, of the Bilgewater Cartel being Official Members of the Horde.

or maybe itā€™s just nothing, I dunno.

I think in the ā€˜Weekly Choice who to work forā€™ panel they mention it.

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oh, yeah I see that now.

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The one thing I scanned the article for

a bald man wearing a plaid shirt and a vest

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Look Blizzard.

The only thing Iā€™m gonna be carving is the road once I get my hands on DRIVE. :sunglasses: :red_car:

Good guys, bad guys, thereā€™s no such things. Thereā€™s just who is on our side and who is against us.

And that can change as the circumstances change.

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The Venture Company? The same company thatā€™s been harassing everyone for like 3 decades now? They better be offering some absolutely bonker incentives before I even entertain the thought of joining them.

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To be fair, they donā€™t go out of their way to harass everybody.

They go out of their way to exploit natural resources to make money.

Sometimes, that puts us against them. Sometimes itā€™s because we want those same resources, or because the resources are in a place of importance, or because a hippy Druid paid us to kill them all, etc.

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TBF, she has been working with the Horde for a while now

I kind of want to declare war on them like we used to be able to in game.

Blizzard really missed out on the opportunity to make it so we align ourselves with 1 cartel (make them all have the same rewards) and have a world PvP event in the Undermine for a cartel war.


Why so much emphasis on ā€œrace and cultureā€ ? Havenā€™t we always learned about every new raceā€™s culture through questing anyway? I really dislike EYE-ONā€™s continuing focus on being real human earth life political ideals into the game. Itā€™s now essentially indoctrination, if you arenā€™t inclusiveā€¦
Christ, I donā€™t play the game to have more real life garbage dumped on me. Stop telling us what to think.
You lost the election you canā€™t force your ideals on us in a game because you have nobody on the outside to do that too anymore. These losers, now in bed with Microsoft, yuckfoo

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Nobody plays goblins. Why all the sudden is everybody faking interest in what the hell goblins do? Pathetic