205 Demonology Warlock LF Raiding & Mythic+ Guild

Hey! Would love the opportunity to chat with ya, check out our post and if it sounds like it may be a fit for you hit me up on bnet! [H]<Safehouse> Area 52 Late Night Guild 2 Night

Hey there! I'm Moon, the recruitment officer for Swift[H][Mal'ganis].
We are currently 5/10H. A few members have 10/10H experience. We want to finish the rest of heroic and push our way towards CE and are in need of like-minded individuals who are laidback and patient with progression. We want to enjoy our time while raiding. (:

Raid Times are Tues/Wed-8-11pm Server(CST)

Looking for a multitude of classes/specs and would be happy to have you on the team. If you have any questions feel free to message me in-game (SparkledMoon#1939) or over on our forum recruitment post here.