Follow Alleria in The War Within Comic, "Seasons"

Follow Alleria in The War Within Comic, "Seasons"

As the Feast of Winter Veil draws near, loved ones around Azeroth gather close in celebration. The fabled Sons of Lothar are no exception, but amid their long-awaited reunion feast, something weighs on Alleria Windrunner.

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Alleria got coal from Father Winter that’s why she looks so angry.

i would be angry too if i looked like that.

Alleria is angry because she discovered that her 2set is a boring, generic, role-specific buff instead of something that plays into class fantasy to some extent like literally any other class tier set bonus we’ve ever had.

Can we not have major plotline spoilers input into a tiny little holidays version of a comic when you’re timegating the events that pertain to that spoiler within the game for 20 more days now?

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I assume you are talking about the Kirin Tor. Suffice to say things dont exactly pan out the way it mentions in the comic so I wouldnt call it a spoiler.