$20 Garrosh Hellscream transmog in the shop

Honestly I think if you mix and match with the Mag’har set you can create some nice looking stuff. I think the Chestpiece is better then the standard Mag’har heritage.


Imagine paying 20$ for this lmao

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Big agree on that. It’ll be good for Orceys.

Yeah, I’m normally not that tempted by their outfits, but my orc warrior would rock this set pretty well, or at least pieces of it. I’m considering it.

Price gouging. Similar but slightly different from inflation.

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You can’t deny inflation has gone up in recent years. I also been in the food industry for almost 3 decades now, and family has ran has ran a restaurant since the mid 70’s.

Yes there is some price gouging, especially in states where the cost of living is higher, but it’s not all price gouging. Mcdonalds and other similar fast food places made it due to them being a family could go out for a cheap meal, now a days many are priced out of that. Peopel didn’t go because the food was good, they went because it was cheap.

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My favorite is still Wendy’s dynamic pricing: “we’re going to base prices on how busy we are at any given moment, so your price at ordering may be different when you get to the window!”

That went over well. :rofl:

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But its mostly price gouging.

Corporation profits are at all time highs. You cant have “most profits you have ever by every standard possible” coupled with “oh yeah, its mostly natural inflation”

Yes, McDonalds intentionally raised the prices for higher profits, outside of inflation.

If inflation was the main driver of prices, it would also effect their bottom line. But it isn’t. They are hitting record levels of profit. Otherwise its “inflation is effecting everyone besides major corporations”

Egg prices rose 66%. Major Egg corporations, their profits rose 60-70%. That isnt inflation.



Also it’ll be in the trading post later.

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Right which is why I think the word iconic is a little strong.
Everybody here knows the Helm of Domination. Everybody here knows Gorehowl.
That is iconic.

I feel like that’s pretty much obvious. What isn’t obvious is why this set is more than just a spikey Warrior-looking set. Look at the title of this thread, OP thought it was Garrosh Hellscream lol, not Varian’s.

It would be cool if they kept doing like the Fireplume set where there’s options to customize. I feel like that would help justify the price point but that’s just me.

It’s a cool set. I’m not trying to spend extra money outside my subscription every month though, and I’m noticing they are regularly putting out stuff like this.

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Eh… not really. It’s iconic to his history and his look.

Edit to further elaborate: the meaning of iconic is something that is a characteristic of an icon. Audrey Hepburn’s style is iconic. I don’t know what it is, but she was an icon. Varian’s gladiator outfit is therefor iconic. Some people may not know what it is, but he was an icon.

It really isn’t. Which is why a bunch of people here don’t even recognize it to be related to Varian at all.

His sword is iconic. His hair is iconic.
This set is from the Crimson Ring which is mostly a WoW comic reference.

Right… so like i said. His hair, and his sword.
Not an off-set most people have never seen.

You cut off everything else I said.

It wasn’t relevant. How does the rest of your post change what I would have said?
Audrey Hepburn’s style is iconic. Not a pair of shoes she wore one time.

Paris Hilton has iconic blonde hair. She has dyed her hair brown. That does not mean her Brown hair is Iconic.

Think about John Lennon. First thing you probably think about are his circular spectacles.

Iconic things are selective. Unique. Characteristic to the person.

Doubling back, just look at the thread title lol.
$20 Garrosh Hellscream. Nothing iconic about the King of Stormwind would be easily mistaken as an Orc Warcheifs set.

To be fair the OP is a known forum troll, and not even a very good one at that. I don’t know if I’d use his thread titles to try to validate your point.

  1. Style is clothing.
  2. Varian wore that gladiator outfit the entire time he was, ya know, a gladiator.

Like Varian’s outfit.

It shows you and the OP don’t know the character very well. I don’t know anything about Paris Hilton. I wouldn’t know she had iconic hair. I honestly wouldn’t know John Lennon’s glasses were iconic either, as I never paid much attention to him.

He was a gladiator, not just a king. All this proves is that you don’t know the character. Which is fine, not everyone does.


Blizzard are showcasing it on a Brown Orc.
It is Red with Spikes.
I don’t think it’s a sneaky troll comment to say it’s a Garrosh set. It looks exactly like an Orc from Garrosh’s Horde.

Which was… before World of Warcraft. Only referenced in the Comics.

I know the characters representation from the last 20 years.

Ultimately Blizzard themselves are on my side… as they gave this “iconic” set one of the most generic names possible.

Gladiator's Ragged Armor Includes:

* Gladiator's Ragged Headband
* Gladiator's Ragged Shoulderpads
* Gladiator's Ragged Chest
* Gladiator's Ragged Grips
* Gladiator's Ragged Belt
* Gladiator's Ragged Leggings
* Gladiator's Ragged Treads

It being a Varian set is a nice little easter egg of information. That’s about it.

Regardless. It’s not worth $20.

My guy it’s a promotional image, it’s honestly not that deep. They also showed it on an Elf. a NIGHT Elf.

You’re right, it’s not sneaky, it’s just a troll thread.

You know what kind of Gladiator Arena Varian was fighting in right?

And HotS. They literally chose his iconic outfit for it. lol

Which isn’t his entire existence.

ROFLMAO WHAT? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s Varian’s Gladiator armor.

Blizzard on your side… BAHAHAHAHAHA :rofl:

Read this and stop making me laugh so much. LOL

Edit to add… the in game shop literally says, “Rugged armor made in the style of the great gladiator Lo’Gosh.”

Here’s your sign!
