2 stress test account with 1 bnet account?

Anyone know if I will have access to 2 stress test account if I have 2 active subscription in my bnet account?

Likely only one, but it depends how they’re doing the log in. Previous tests have used a test account and you only get one per BNet.

Also if you already have a PTR account, guaranteed, you can’t get 2 stress test accounts because you can only have 2 test accounts per BNet (assuming they’re using test accounts still).

Coming back to this, the servers are running on the retail side, so you may actually be logging in using your live accounts, meaning you will get 2 accounts.

Thanks for the answer!

Just got the update. It looks like yes, in this test you will be able to run every active account.

It seems you cant play BFA and Classic at the same time on the same account tho,not sure if its a bug or not.

If I read the launcher update section correctly. You get 1 per sub.

That was outlined previously. You can however play twice if you have 2 accounts.