2 Groups Fell Apart Then Kicked

The main issue is that while disc priests and shadow priests both want haste/crit, holy priests use mastery/crit while haste is their worst stat, kind of necessitating two sets. While I do play all three specs (shadow mostly, disc in five mans and holy when my team needs an extra healer) I can see why people tend to pick a side and stick to it. Gearing multiple sets is a pain.

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I was around in wotlk. I did a whole bunch of random heroics back then too for my currencies.

I remember it being fine. I guess that I was lucky that I never got into the oculus with you though. haha

I was 16 and a rogue during Wrath. Maaaaaaaan I used to grief me some groups before they brought in votekick.

While I do feel it’s a necessary evil for dungeon finder, it’s really unnecessary for Island Expeditions.

This is purely anecdotal I know, but here it goes. I was kicked from an island expedition with less than a minute left and when I whispered one of my previous group members asking why I was kicked. The stated reason was that I didn’t stay close enough to them. It was one of my first expeditions to do, so I didn’t know the expected conduct. I can’t say we had no other issues that I was aware of.

If you’re new and unsure, ask or just say that you are. People who go in and expect to just wing it without pissing their groups off are really setting themselves are for failure.

I guess. So any time I do new content I should start with “hey guys I’m new” and hope they don’t kick because they don’t want to deal with a noob?

Also, I didn’t even know I was messing up until it was too late. They didn’t say anything at all to give me a chance to adjust my behavior.

Pretty much. People tend to assume you’re incompetent or screwing around if you don’t say anything. They’re really quite tolerant if they know you’re learning in my experience.

Island Expeditions have ton of people who want it done together rather than efficiently. Not saying wanting to stay as group is a problem, but Island Expeditions much like dungeons have conflicting purposes and methods with the main difference being it only takes 1 person to press yes.

Plenty of abuse with it. Not going to argue that bad things can happen, but no one said he was god gifts to anyone, so if you could kindly stop this fictitious crusade.


I remember when I got kicked from a warfront Darkshore. For saying at start of it. Remember get Lumber mill, and mines first then clear the rest. Everyone run back to box and fast build. So we are not in here an hour. All I got was do not tell us how to play bye. The problem is they are handing the reigns of control in this game to 13 year olds, which is not good for the game.

I have no idea what you expect blizzard to do, they aren’t going to force someone to continue with a group they don’t want to. Leaving a dungeon or group for personal reasons is not grieving.

I hope they never fix the problem people like you have with them because you should be making friends or doing these with your guildmates. That was the whole concept behind them that a group of people would get to together and progress up.

I never bailed on an Occulus unless it was going horribly wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I hated the place just like everyone else, but I took my lumps with it.

Only reason I will drop a group besides that is if something outside of the game is grabbing my attention. It’s only fair that I drop and let them get someone else who will, hopefully, be able to carry their share of the weight.

Yeah, because they maybe need 3 people to handle it. You running off might hurt their productivity in terms of the gains.

And do you discuss this before hand? I do IEs with my brother so we just coordinate in Discord and then leave the 3rd to their own devices… unless they’re afking or something.