2 Groups Fell Apart Then Kicked

This thread exists because of people (allegedly) abusing the system and how something needs to be done to stop the abuse.

I think your suggestions are well meaning, but if a system can be abused it will be abused. I prefer letting players organically create solutions as opposed to relying on Blizzard to impose them.

That isn’t what the intent of it is though. That is what YOU think the intent should be, not what blizzard thinks the intent should be. Until blizzard agrees with you that the intent should be to kick only problematic players the system isn’t going to change.

Although, I have said this to you numerous times already restricting people to only 2 kicks per day would do absolutely nothing because most people don’t do more than that anyway. In fact, your system might make it worse because now people would know they have 2 kicks they can abuse any way they want and then those guys can just wait until the next day and do the same thing again.

I looked this up yesterday. This is was blizzard originally said when they brought in the kick system.

  • A Vote Kick feature will be available in the event a member of a party is not performing to the expectations of the other members.

From the patch notes.

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But it’s power that you gave them. If you don’t want to give them that power, then don’t run m+ with complete strangers. High level mythics are meant to be run with organized groups, not pugs. If you are going to insist on running them the sub-optimal way, then you have to deal with the sub-optimal consequences.

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4 man a +10 and any higher, is a complete waste of time, depending on how far in you are and competence of the group. Again, doing content that difficult, is obviously griefing and the rules need updating to 2018 content and gaming standards.

Yeap. I kicked a healer because he stood on the beach right next to the Alliance ship fighting them for like 5 minutes while the two of us were clearing. Asked him to leave the Alliance, that it was pointless killing them more than once but he just kept complaining about them attacking him. This whole time i’m watching him on the map, and he’s not even trying to move away.

He raged when we kicked him, but i’ve fought those alliance toons. Sure they’re annoying but you CAN just run away.

If you dont care about the timer at that point, doing a +10-12 with 4 man is not that hard. You get the 20% dps and healing debuff, even in season 1 was doable without it, now it is easier.

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And they will. They will accept them because it gets that popup off their screen. To deny it is just to say “yes, please keep screaming at the dps. No, I don’t mind seeing that popup again and again. Its fine. Sure lets stop and all have a discussion about it.”


The people will just hit “yes” and the bad guy knows it. And so do you.

It looks more and more like the game isn’t for anyone on their own. Its just too toxic and riddled with awful people. Bring your own party or don’t bother.

I want to say that I remember a time when it wasn’t a toxic sludge pit with vote/kick as the new team-kill. But maybe that’s just me with rose colored glasses.

Maybe I am remembering when LFR and LFG was new and amazing and so many people were just delighted to be able to do content that they never thought they would see.

Maybe I just wish people could be grateful to do content and not so hateful that the whole experience feels nerve-wracking and awful.

Maybe I should git off my own lawn.

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But what are 2018 (19?) gaming standards. Who creates them, who enforces them, and who updates them?

  • Only 2 pieces of loot drop from a run that’s completed and not timed
  • Runs that aren’t timed are worthless at that level for IO score

Complete waste of time for me, in my opinion.

Blizzard, by playing their own game and content but we see how well that’s going for the expansion so far.

You definitely have rose-colored glasses if you think there was a time when the automated group finder was not toxic.

I know that most people will hit “Yes,” but I do not think Blizzard needs to fix that.

Not that it’s relevant, but I will almost always hit “No.”

No, it’s not that bad to 4 man a +10. My guildies did it when one of them had to leave due to a personal emergency. They were only about 10 minutes in (it was 2 weeks ago, and I remember I hated the affixes as a healer) and a few of them weren’t stellar players, but they all slogged through it and completed that 10. Granted it took them well over an hour, but because it was an organized group with voice communication (the intended audience for m+) they stayed and got it done. The Bwonsamdi buff helps.

The rules don’t need updating, your fundamental concept of m+ needs to change. Run it with a group of people you know - which, again, is the intended way for them to be run - and most of your problems aren’t really problems anymore. People have to ability to solve their own issues with m+, yet they insist that someone else solve it for them. Take the initiative and solve your own problems.


I 4 manned a 12 KR last week after the hunter (whose key it was) bailed before the Second boss.

He was awful (died three times to the two collusus before the first boss) so it was probably easier without him.

Granted, last week was an easy week, but still… It’s doable. As you said, If you’re after a specific item, sometimes finishing while accepting the missed timer is worth it.

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I always let the group do a few pulls and then immediately find the highest dps and vote to kick. I can’t be outshined like that.

If I’m the highest dps, I leave the group as to not look too elitist.

I don’t finish many dungeons.

well that is the same thing the people that leave are thinking, so they wouldn’t respect a silly vote and stay, they are more likely to start griefing or go afk.

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2 weeks ago, was also the 2 easier weeks of Mythic+. Not as easy as the 2 weeks in December but the easier weeks of the year, so not impressive. Explosive, Teeming, Fortified. Not that hard, just takes longer to kill things.

Again, it’s a waste of time for me, because I’m not holding out for a WF or TF chance and it’s a waste of time for IO. I’d rather spend that time I would’ve slogged through that M+ finding another key, in another one, or restarting the key.

I’ll agree to disagree here. I agree with the initiative with solving your own problems, which I acknowledged and stated I did, I can even link a thread I posted on the forums and the hours I sat in LFG advertising as well about it but it’s hit and miss.

It’s more convient for me to pug rather than form a set team, which is still a WIP. The rules do need updating for a 2019 community though but this is where I disagree with you. So, I’ll agree to disagree on that.

They should be reported and eventually get a debuff or flag on their account that warns others that this particular person is known to cause problems in groups.

Eh, maybe I got it wrong and it was 3 weeks ago or something, I just remember my main group decided a +10 was good enough and we didn’t push our keys that week.

At any rate, the affixes shouldn’t matter anyway.

I just swapped to holy for the week on my priest. Forgot to change my talents from raid to dungeon (even had PW:Salvation, lul), and we still completed the +10 with no deaths and a +2 to key. It was ridiculously easy.

Priests should stop seeing the two specs as separate classes IMO. Some weeks and dungeons Disc is better, others Holy. Learn and play both.

Holy Paladins took the week off too.

Yup. Here’s how it went down during Wrath:

I queue for a random dungeon and, after a long wait, it pops and it is The Occulus; the dungeon hated so much Blizzard actually had to add a bonus satchel to the final boss’s loot table that gave folks the chance for a raid mount drop and such.

If I, or anyone else in the group did not want to do that dungeon, or I wanted to dungeon shop, I would then simply get myself kicked from the group, which usually involved refusal to participate or deliberately getting my dungeon mates killed. I could hold the group hostage until they kicked me. Then I simply requeue without any problems.

Hence why the 30 minute debuff was added shortly thereafter.

Obviously you were never around during Wrath when there was no deserter debuff for getting kicked.

Never seen anyone kicked or been kicked from IE and I usually just do my own thing the entire time.

Never had leavers in 10+ keys either outside of a resto druid who stood in the green goo in Atal and blamed the group for taking to much damage. -_-