2 Groups Fell Apart Then Kicked

I havent been kicked in I cant remember how long. That accusation when they dont READ someones post is as annoying as seeing the wrongful vote kicks to begin with.

The problem is Blizzard doesnt have the time to investigate all these vote kicks if someone complains.
they dont even have the manpower to get that ignore feature they promised us in here…and how long has that ‘in combat’ crap been going on? 7 years? more?

they cant sit around trying to mediate between the kicker and the kicked.
So they walk away and leave it at “deal with it yourselves”.
if the rules laid out how the system CAN be abused, then they’d pretty much have to investigate the complaints.
Saying their hands are washed of it all leaves them to let be an honor system where some ARE going to abuse it, just like some folks will drive right thru a stop sign…because they CAN.

Ive seen less than half a dozen JUSTIFIED vote kicks since I started playing this game.
Ive been kicked once for refusing to vote to kick a guy who was doing just fine in a 5 man, but the kicking player must have been a tantrum tossing 8 year old who just wanted him kicked for some unknown reason. I cant even repeat what he put in the box for the profanity.

I see that crap all the time. I vote no unless I know the player is doing something intentionally wrong.