2 Friends LF AOTC Guild for 9.1 (Warr/Lock or Others)

Hi Sanaretic, please take a look at our guild’s recruitment post to see if we’re a good fit and add my btag if you think so :slight_smile: We raid Sat/Sun 6-9pm PST on [A] Proudmoore. Thank you for your time! The High Ground

Fearfulways is a progression raiding guild, who has been in Argent Dawn since the release of wow and was established on 11-28-2004. We are interested in exceptional players that would like to raid progressively and and utilize their time online to be better at the game and to pursue competitive raiding at all times.

We have earned over half of dozen realm first, and completed many expansions realm first on the list including Cata and MOP expansion.

Currently we are 9/10M and have Denathrius down to 25% on phase 3 hoping to get CE/Realm First before next patch.

We are recruiting for 9.1 and beyond and would like to know if you the schedule below works for you and if you would be interested let me know thanks.

Battle Tag- Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

Raiding Schedule: (All times are Eastern)
Tuesday - 7-11:00PM
Wednesday - 7-11:00PM
Thursday - 7-11:00PM

Holler at me on that there Discord! Def looking for DPS!

Hey welcome to Stuffed (Formerly Chicken Slaughts*).

Starting with Heroic on the 6th

When it comes to raid, we like to take a chill approach to how things are handled. There is never a time for people to rage at each other, We believe that there is never a reason for it and not what we want our raid environment to be like. We run this guild with everyone having a voice, we believe most if not all must agree on major things such as extending raid, adding an extra day for progression, or anything else that will impact the raid team.

When we started this tier, our focus was to get AOTC, but we have achieved that and decided to see how far we could push ourselves. This has led us to pushing mythic as much as possible to be prepared to go right into heroic next tier. We are mostly active in the afternoon, late night, early morning times and would love to find people to work with to advance in this tier, 9.1, and Mythic plus.

On a side not since it should be expected from everywhere we are LGBTQ+ Friendly, Racism and sexist free and will keep it that way.

We are currently 10/10H 4/10M

Raid: Tues-Wed 7:30PM-10:30PM PST

Alt night: Friday 7:30 PM-10:30PM PST

Best way to contact me is discord, tyler3133#2683

Hello Sanaretic

Would like to talk to you about a possible new venture. Reach out at DLAres#1711

Holy Tauren where did all these AOTC guilds come from.

Switch to horde/illidan and come over to Stars of Nine, You’ll definitely regret it.
Thurs/Sun 9-12 EST
Pretty casual. Career Adults letss goooo.

Hey San - we’re an AOTC Guild who will dabble in Mythic after. AOTC pre nerf last tier. Good group of folks looking to fill a couple dps spots. Spam below. Reach out on Discord = Tazer#1603

Hi there Sanaretic!

If you guys are still looking, I’ll add our guild’s info to your pool of options to consider! Feel free to reach out with any questions and best of luck in your search!

<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52 that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. We have been successful in achieving our goals since Legion. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday & Saturday 10pm-1am EST
Progression: 10/10H CN | All BfA & Legion AOTC
Website: Apply at https://murlocmadness.enjin.com/
More Info: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Murloc+Madness

Officer: Aszuna (Discord: Aszuna#8963)
Spread the Madness!

[[A] House Brighthammer (Wyrmrest Accord) is a smallish guild that raids, does M+, and sometimes other activities together. We would like to invite you to check out our Normal/Heroic team. If everyone is comfortable after a two to four week trial period, we would ask that you transfer servers. Raid times are Sunday and Monday 7-10PM Pacific. We use two-way Discord communication. If interested, I’d love to hear from you at Aristiri #1425 Bnet, or Akaitaka #9181 on Discord.

Hello Sanaretic, I Hope this finds you well. The guild I am recruiting for on Dragonmaw would Love to have both you and your friend. Our current raid times are Wednesday 6-9 PST and Friday 8-11 PST, We ran 10/10N, 10/10H in the matter of a month. We are looking for like minded individuals of your classes. If you would like to speak further feel free to reach out to me on:
Discord: Karmazeus#3504
Btag: Invictus#12395

Check us out!

Hello Sanaretic!

Veterans of Far Realms is an alliance guild on Stormrage! We are a progressive raiding guild. We started as a reroll guild in April, and now we are looking to flesh out our raid team. The pillar of the guild is our focus on community! We have a strong social foundation, and are very accepting.

We also strive to be AOTC in 9.1 and beyond. We offer a place where you can raid, and have competent leaders and team members that can clear content, and offer a place to improve and learn, without the stress.

We also do M+ runs, time walking dungeons/raids, transmog/mount farming, and just anything that sounds fun and enjoyable.

We also want to emphasize we are new player, and new raider friendly! So if you’ve always wanted to raid but felt behind, or too new, we offer a place to learn and experience things with a group that understands!

Raid times are Fri/Sat 8 PM EST!

If you’re interested please add a recruiter on one of the following:

Discord: Purple_86#9819

Bnet: Purple86#1959

Thanks for reading!!

I’m raid leader for a weekend Alliance cross-realm AOTC Raid Group and I could use you both. A Warrior / DH combo would be great for my comp, though I’m not opposed to other options if you have preferences.

Clearly you have options, but I’ll leave my group’s details below. Let’s talk if you’re interested and still looking!

Good luck in the search!

-Respec- is an Alliance AOTC Progression Raiding guild based out of Blade’s Edge - currently 10/10 H Castle Nathria and getting ready for the launch of Sanctum of Domination. Our focus is clearing Normal and Heroic modes of raid content while it’s relevant, while also being able to maintain a good work/life balance during the week.

Our members are all veteran raiders that believe in good class play and teamwork to overcome all raid challenges, while also being a group of laid-back nerdy types wanting to have fun in raid. Our general atmosphere is more mature and intimate with a hard stance against toxic/elitist personalities. Outside of Raid, we like to run high M+ keys for those that are interested!

  • Current Progression: 10/10 H Castle Nathria
  • We raid on Friday and Sunday Evenings!
  • Raid Times: Fridays @ 9-12 PM EST / 8-11 PM CST / 7-10 PM MST / 6-9 PM PST (3 Hours) -AND- Sundays @ 9-11 PM EST / 8-10 PM CST / 7-9 PM MST / 6-8 PM PST (2 Hours)
  • Mythic+ Keys throughout the week (runs organized via Discord)

NOTE: We DO NOT expect a server transfer or joining our guild if you are happy where you are! Since we only raid up to Heroic content, we actively use a cross-realm community to keep our players together!

The kind of people that would enjoy and excel in our group are players who prefer smaller raid sizes with a chill atmosphere, but still want to see good class play from others while working towards that next kill for AOTC. Our current raiders are all veterans across multiple expansions, but big on being Nerdy, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Couple Friendly, and overall just having fun. Finally, we’re a team built on respect and understanding that, sometimes, real life happens. For the person who is trying to juggle life while still wanting to push raid in a quality environment - we’re just that. When you make the time to play with us, we will respect that time with content to play or give you that time back with as much advance notice as possible.

Ultimately, the only way to see if we’re a good fit for you is to join us on one of our raid nights and see what we’re all about. I welcome anyone interested to hit me up on Discord or Battlenet and let’s talk more about what you’re wanting from your raid experience and what we can do to match it. As long as you can play your class, we can explain the fights and make it work!

Battlenet: Chaoswhite#1873
Discord: Sin#9334

Hi Sanaretic,

I don’t know if you’ve already found a new home, but if you’re still on the hunt, feel free to give us a look. My guild < Part Time Heroes > on Hyjal is a casual raiding guild. Our Heroic Raid Team is focused on getting AotC and a handful of Mythic Bosses before the tier is finished. We are currently gearing up for SoD and we could use a couple of capable raiders to help us reach our goal!

Our raid days/times are T/W 8-11pm PST. Not sure if that aligns well with what you’re looking for, but if you can swing the times, we may be a good fit! If you’re interested, I’d love to chat!

My Btag and a link to our guild post are below. Hoping to hear from you soon! Thanks!




My guild, Zug Zug, on Zul’jin is going through a complete roster rebuild from the ground up. Last tier we hit AOTC really early but had the old GM and Raid Lead have to leave due to IRL stuff and still are not playing the game. Since then many of our players have been doing mythic prog independently (most of our guild at this time is 4-6/10M with a few CE members) and we decided a few weeks back that we would rebuild and form a guild with the intent of pushing far into mythic. With 9.1 dropping, we are looking to clear AOTC withing the first 2-3 weeks into Mythic progging immediately. Currently we are looking for 2 more heals and a 3 DPS to get us up to around 22ish players so we have a bench to swap people in and out and account for the occasional callout. While still being a competitive roster.

Raid Times: Tue/Wed 8:30-11:30PM EST

Your welcome to reach me on discord at: Sampsonites#5556 if you have any sort of questions.

Hey, if you’re available to raid from 8:30pm PST onwards we’d definitely be interested in having you both! We’re in need of a warrior and Shadow priest right now so that’d be perfect.

You can read about us and how to get in touch on our forum post here: [A] <Zenith> 2/10M 9.1 Recruiting, Late Night Raiding Guild


If your open to Alliance I think we have what your looking for;

Hey there! I think we have what you are looking for.

Alpha is an Alliance Guild on the US-Stormrage server.

About the Guild

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game

Hi there, Inversion on Stormrage is recruiting for its heroic raid team, We are Aotc/KSM focused. Tight knit group looking for more laid back players to join us on raid night wed/thur 8-11. Also more than welcome to join us in our M+ adventures.

< Press Start to Continue >
Game Over’s raid team Press Start to Continue is recruiting talented, mechanically aware players to help our laid back progression raid team . We consider laid back progression, getting as far as we can with what we have, while focusing on maintaining an enjoyable and entertaining atmosphere. We’ve been together for 5 years.
Prog - ATOC CN
Past prog Atoc From Nighthold and up with some mythic prog
Plans and Goals: Raid together and continue to crush what we can and have fun. We’re looking to push as far as we can with the time we have each week, without losing the fun and spirited community feeling!
Raid Days & Times:
Tuesday 7-10PM and Thursday 7-10PM PST
Server - Proudmoore
AJ#1712 ( discord)

[A] [Dreanor] - daytime raiding guild.

We are currently recruiting for Chains of Domination starting with normal and heroic with future plans of mythic progression.

We are a daytime raiding guild on Dalaran with the hopes of solidifying a core team for raiding!
We do have a few ranks that are essential for progressing in this new raid but are open to having as many fun and flexible members in the guild. We have our set raid days but also run keys, pvp and achievements.

Nyalotha progression:
6/12 mythic
12/12 heroic
12/12 normal

CN progression
2/10 Mythic
10/10 Heroic
10/10 Normal

Raid Times

Tue 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Est

Wed 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Est

Feel free to message me on discord @Pixie_Riot#5476