2 Dps 430+ 8/9H

Hey there the title says it all we are both 430+ item levels with 9/9n 8/9H and prog on first mythic boss. We are looking for a new forever home as much as we love to raid we also enjoy Mythic plus and unfortunately the guild we are currently in are very cliquey. We have had to basically pug our way to 2k plus which is not fun as everyone knows. We are lookin for a place where it’s not a job requirement to get in a guild mythic plus group we have logs we are both 80 to 90+ parsers we are looking for horde or alliance guild that raid Tuesday and Wednesday night anywhere from 7:30pm to 11:30pm est his main is currently ranged and I play melee please feel free to leave a message on this post thanks for your time.

Hey Fistacuffs,

Fully Torked (full guild post here), is a 8/9H Sunday 6-9pm pdt guild on Kil’Jaeden. We are looking for more raiders to fill up our roster so we can push mythic raid.

If you’re interested, take a look our guild post and reach out to our recruitment officer (Bnet: Djpaulydbro#1101 or Discord: Deadrush#6667) or me (Bnet: Cavemann#1115 or Discord: Cavemann6#0006).

Hello we are currently 9/9N 8/9H and looking for a few dps and healers to fill rank. RL things come up with people and they step away, so we are looking to fill those spots.We plan on diving into mythic and do tons of M+ we raid Tuesday/Thursday 7pm-10pm EST.
Alliance-Stormrage- Azeroths Kitchen

Unfortunately we can’t make Thursdays

Hello there, those of us at Legal Risk Management> (H) Illidan are ready to represent you in your case against clique’s and assist with m+. 9/9N 8/9H https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Legal%20Risk%20Management. We are a new CE oriented mythic guild looking for players to join us! Raid times: T/W 8:30PM-11:30PM CST.

Jokes aside, I think we’re an hour too late for you - but if you’re interested please reach out to me. Also available on disc @ flub#2175.

Hey there,

We raid Tues/Wed 8pm-11pm EST, and would be interested in speaking with you at your convenience. Please reach out to me at Fezzah#6412.

[A][H] 2 Day AOTC+ Tues/Wed 8-11pm ET - Stormrage - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

we’re located on zul’jin and are currently 8/9H.

raid times are wed 830-1130pm est and sun 8-11 pm est.

btag is jrzo#1414