Still looking around
Helix is a guild formed in BFA by a group of veterans that have known each other for years. We were previously known as Purge from Stormreaver during MoP and WoD. Our past progression / accomplishments include:
- Tier 16 14/14H 25m US 201
- Tier 16 14/14H 10m US 107
- Tier 22 8/8M US 193
Our raid schedule is relatively light compared to other progression guilds, so we expect all of our raiders to perform at their best at all times. If you are unable or unwilling to take criticism for a mistake, this is not the guild for you. While no one plays perfectly 100% of the time, mispulls, stupid deaths, and poor overall performance will be called out and you will be expected to improve.
- Melee DPS (Pally)
- Ranged DPS (Lock, Hunter)
- Healer (Priest, Druid)
We are always looking to expand our roster with strong, motivated, and experienced raiders. High performing trials will earn a core spot. We are a competitive bunch and trials should be expected to keep up on meters and execute fight mechanics without issue.
- 5/8M Uldir experience or with a strong raiding background
- 95% attendance with stable computer/internet connection
- Being prepared with Food / Pots / Flasks
- Tuesday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. CST
- Wednesday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. CST
- Thursday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. CST
BTag: TakGoo#1371 / Discord: TakGoo#6153
Apply @
Hi Präwn,
We start at 9:30 PM Pacific Time, which would be 11 CST, and go until 1 AM Pacific, which would be 3 AM for you. We’re 8/8 Mythic and have been around for years. Dark Skies is a consensus-based guild with a late night schedule in mind; most of our raiders are parents with younger kids, so they can’t raid til the kids are in bed.
If you want to know more, check out our main thread, here:
<Consequence> (US 128) is an Alliance guild on Stormrage and seeking competent players to join our progression raiding team. We are a 3 night semi-hardcore guild that is currently farming Uldir. We pride ourselves on our laid back raid environment who kills bosses and gets top end kills on mythic bosses.
Please note that Consequence has extremely low turnover in our Raid team, we are looking for players who want to commit and stay here
We are currently looking for a few more top players to fill our roster for the next tier. If you are motivated and enjoy a stable low drama guild who pushes content send us an application
Mythic Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
Sometimes we throw in Monday early or late in a tier but these are planned weeks in advance.
As loot is currently set to personal for everyone now it goes without saying that loot is personal. HOWEVER, we use RCLootcouncil that allows us to see when someone gets a piece of gear that is able to be traded. When this happens we use Loot council to determine who gets the loot.
For more information, add the following Battle Tag:
anderdj#1280 (Marshmallon, Raid Leader)
AppNasty#1109 (Totemtastic, Guild Leader)
If our guild seems like a good fit for you, make an application on our Google doc
Hope to speak to you soon!
Still looking around want some time thats are 9 cst or later
bumpity bump bump
still open
Bumping for a bestie owo
Still looking around
Hey there Prawn,
I was browsing the forum and think you would be a great fit for the guild Angelic Reign. Here is a little more information about my guild:
We consider all quality applicants. If you feel that you would be a good fit for us (raider or non-raider), do not hesitate to contact me to schedule a Discord interview or add my battle tags to discuss further.
Thanks for your time and happy hunting!
Still looking around
Wed/Fri/Sun 8:45-12:00 Eastern
Hello! Rhythmic is a relatively new guild that formed at the tail end of Legion. We raided ABT Mythic and made it to 10/11M. We are currently 7/8M and looking for strong players for the new raid, Battle of Dazar’alor, as well as finishing this tier to get CE.
Rhythmic formed under a few members who did weekly heroic ABT clears across small guilds, but these members desired more content. So, these members went out and pugged mythic ABT with the mindset of, “let’s learn together.” The team progressed slowly at first, but gained momentum when a more solid core formed. To put the Rhythmic mindset in a nutshell, we throw our motivation, determination, and our stubbornness at a boss till it dies.
Our goal at Rhythmic is to get CE each raid tier with time to spare! We want to build a raid team that allows for quick progression through a new raid tier to allow us relaxation and recuperation which allows us to watch more Funimation.
What We Expect
We expect good attendance, preparedness, and level headedness
We need good attendance to progress bosses. We can’t have people dipping in the middle of a progress boss. Of course emergencies happen! We do not expect people to come in the middle of a crisis or real life events. Afterall, this is a game.
We need prepared people. Bring enough potions to get the job done. Look up logs, videos, and strategies. The more effective our time of preparing for a fight, the more effective our pulls will be on the fight.
We need players with a level head. Toxicity doesn’t promote good raid atmosphere with the intention of downing bosses. Use that aggravation to uplift your fellow raiders. They struggle, we all struggle, so help them overcome for our success.
Where You Can Find Us!
Find the spaces located in front of the // and .com to copy the link.
Https: //legionsofthehorde .com/
Raid Application
Https: //legionsofthehorde .com/wow/raid-sign-up/
Papadeath (Btag-Franklyvash#1303) (Discord-Papawheeley#3260)
Woowei (Btag-Dreadpirate#11766) (Discord-Woowei#9803)
Sharktopüs (Btag-Witchdocta#1362) (Discord-Sharktopus#8541)
Dizla (Btag-Dizla#1215) (Discord-Dizla#2074)
[H] 8/8M Open Recruitment!
Tabbed Out - Bleeding Hollow Horde (PvP server, EST)
Times: Wed/Thurs/Sun 8:30pm-12 EST
Apply Here:
8/8 Mythic Uldir
TO has a long history of gaming going back all the way back to Everquest. This guild has definitely stood the test of time and has had a long and successful raiding career in WoW. For any questions regarding progression in older tiers we’d be happy to speak with you in game!
To be recruited you must fill out our application. If we like what we see you will have a brief discord interview so we can get to know you. Apply and read our guild charter here
Looking to add:
Resto Shaman preferably with a viable DPS OS
Resto Druid preferably with a viable DPS OS
Holy/Disc priest preferably with a viable DPS OS
Mistweaver Monk preferably with a viable DPS OS
Affliction Warlock
DPS Warrior
DPS Death Knight
Capable non Mage ranged DPS
Guild Atmosphere:
We encourage the use of peoples’ real names and we encourage our members to get to know one another as more than just pixels, to get to know one another on more personal levels.
The leaders of this guild believe that a guild that is socially close is much more likely to succeed than a group of hired mercenaries.
We are an adult guild and we make adult jokes and mess with each other, if you are sensitive and cannot handle this, TO is probably not the place for you.
We run alt raids on off nights, as well as Mythic +
We utilize Discord as well
Guild Leader
Darkranger battletag Genghis352#1259
Smesus - Sales/Recruitment Lead - Sme#11814, Discord - Smesus#4820
Evilmon - Raid Leader/Ranged Officer
Sikwit - Senior Officer
Skilless - Senior Officer/Recruiting Officer
Maralen - Tank Officer
Still looking for times that will work
Prawno is the best hunter i know.
Apocolyptic- weekend team on (US)H-Zul’jin
We are 6/8M even though starting late in the tier and we have people with 7/8,8/8M experience on our team.
Our raid times are Saturday/Sunday 8:30-11:30 CST.
We are going into the next raid tier with a progression mindset and will definitely be striving for cutting edge as well as a high server ranking.
If the times work and/or you would like to talk more, add me on Discord: raczcar#6920 or Battlenet: Cousinslim#1639
Still looking around i can raid -10 EST/8 PST/9 CST to when ever
Hey Präwn,
Not sure how much earlier you can fudge your times, but if you can start an hour earlier give < Heck > a looksie.
We are a new 9hr guild on Zul’jin that raids Tuesday-Thursday 9-12pmEST. We are comprised of several 8/8M CE raiders, and several CE experienced members from previous expansions. Our sights are set on a long term stable environment to push US 100 in the upcoming tiers and expacs. If this sounds like something that interests you please feel free to contact me on Discord: Mosy#1511 or BNET: Mosy#11727
Still looking