2 395+ Players LF Guild : HORDE

You can contact me (Player One) via discord : HealDotCom#0699.
Log and armory links available upon request.

Player One : Mist Weaver Monk (Willing to play other healing classes)
Player Two : Holy Priest (willing to play Shadow)
Faction : Horde
Server : Willing to transfer
BfA Progression : Uldir : 8/8H (AotC), 2/8M ---- BoD : 9/9N, 6/9H, 1/9M

Availability : Tues/Wed/Thurs nights only, we are EST and prefer start time no earlier than 7pm EST with end time being no later than 12am EST.

We are looking for a Heroic progression guild that has the possible ability to go into mythic. We are looking to trial at the same time, however we are NOT a package deal. We have both been forced to jump around characters this expansion and much of last, because our previous guilds didn’t have anyone else willing to be flexible, so our progression and gear has been split between multiple characters and may not reflect our experience on our current mains.

Hi Bamboochutes,

We’re a AotC guild that dabbles in mythic, and pushes M+ like crazy. Give us a look and reach out if you’re interested!

Good Luck!

Good day Bamboochutes,

Blindside (9/9 Normal and 6/9 Heroic) is an established guild on Area-52, for over 2 years, bringing together splinter groups from all over Azeroth. We have successfully cleared all Heroic content while relevant and dabbled in Mythic but never prioritized it.

We are actively looking to add ranged dps and a healer to our roster.

The guild consists mainly of working adults.

Raid times are 7:30-10:30PM EST Tue and Thur. M+ runs in the evenings on non-raid days. We also have a well attended alt run on Fri evenings.

Come try us out for a week of heroic raiding and see if we are a good fit.

If interested contact us in this thread, or Harrypal, Aweffuse, Davegrohl in-game.

btags = DaveGrohl33#1727 or Mahlaa#1604.

I realize your preference is Horde, but we’re fairly close to the times you are looking to raid and we may be a good fit. Good luck with your search.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517

[H][Area 52]
9/9H 1/9M
Raid Times: Tues/Thurs/Mon 8pm to 11pm EST

We are currently in need of a MW and Spriest for our 20 man Mythic Progression roster. I would like to talk and work something out. Contact me at by bnet Bootee#1766

Added you, Charlie#13641.

Dear future raiders,

on US-Mannoroth Horde is a rapidly growing raiding guild focused on progressing through heroic and mythic raids in a timely manner. We are currently seeking ranged DPS classes for BoD, but are open to recruiting all roles.

Regarding Uldir, we have cleared:
Normal: 8/8
Heroic: 8/8
Mythic 3/8

Our raid times are:
Tues: 8:30 PM - 12:00 AM EST.
Thurs: 8:30 PM - 12:00 AM EST.

Why join us?
1.) We are extremely supportive of all of our members and offer guild repairs, flasks, materials for crafting, potions, and enchants for all of our members.
2.) We have stellar communication during raids and have well-defined goals that we lay out before each raid.
3.) We are very accountable towards our members. We hold everyone to the same standard.
4.) We are organized with our progression; we have a system for carrying out encounters.

Why should we pick you? Additionally, our expectations of our raiding core:
1.) You want to progress through Heroic/Mythic raids at a reasonable pace with guys that love to banter.
2.) You are prompt, organized, and provide constructive criticism.
3.) You actively contribute to the welfare of the guild. This could be done through helping to gear alts, farm mats for the guild bank, research boss fights, etc.
4.) You read and learn every boss fight before any attempt is made.
5.) You understand your role, and everyone else’s role, in every boss fight.
6.) You can communicate clearly in discord.
7.) You want to pound raid bosses into the ground.

Please feel free to contact us at any of the below methods. We will be more than willing to assist in paying for your server transfers.

Officer: Flexacute (Mannoroth)
Bnet: Mordacai#1816
Discord: Flexacute#3691

Officer: Fäncy (Nazjatar)
Bnet: Fancy#11799
Discord: Fancy#7935

Guild Master: Poundina (Mannoroth)
Bnet: TCowboy#1505
Discord: jisele#8911

I think you’d be a good fit for us, we have room for you on both our teams! should we not meet your needs, I wish you the best of luck in your search for a raiding team.

we have 2 active raiding teams and a community partner guild, so we are quite active!

we have a scheduled m+ guild night where we generalyl have 6+ groups running keys and shuffling parties. we also have a pvp night with our partner guild, an off night normal mode run and keys going on generally throughout the week.

i hope we are a good fit for you (on either team). I have also added you on discord. would love to speak
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<Mental Alacrity>, horde, Area52.
★ We are semi-hardcore 2 and 3 day raiding guild.
★ We raid tuesday weds, monday 9PM EST to 12AM EST - invites go out at 845est pm

★ our 2 day team raids weds/thurs 9-11:30pm est.

our current progression on our 3 day team is:
9N | 7H |1M (about to be 2 mythic).

our progression on our 2 day team is:
9N | 5H

we have organized m+ events (mythic+ monday, where we typically have 6 groups running keys to make sure everyone gets a 10+ for the week done. we also have a “fightin’ fridays” with our partner guild , we do rbgs and battlegrounds/arenas with them at 7pm est ish. we host a partnered normal mode run as well with them. we have a healthy roster for heroic/mythic on our team and are looking to balance it out.

we are looking for players who:

★ are eager to use their talents to support their team and tackle content

★ mythic experience preferred, however not required

★ take raid time seriously; They know the ins and outs of their class and each boss encounter.

★ who treat others with dignity and respect

★ have a good sense of humor

if you possess the mental alacrity to stand up to the task, please reach out to any of the following for additional information or an interview:

our 3 day team leads:

★ lunanyte - luna#14515 - gm
★ illuminatus – illuminatus#1347 - gm
★ batteryninja#1624 - officer

our 2 day team leads:

★ billknight - nertz#1379 - prime lead
★ recks - Redux#1925 - officer

Duplicity Reborn is a 4.5 year old Mythic Raiding Guild with a dedicated and loyal leadership core and player base. We believe in efficient and fast progression and pushing each other to new levels in this game. We are currently looking to expand our teams and push into BFA content together as a family.

We are currently running 2 teams.


Team 1: Semi-Hardcore raiding team.
Leader: Kobkd (kobk#11201)
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday 9:00 pm to 12:00 am
Current Progress: 9/9N 6/9H
Current Needs: * Heals preferably MW and Resto Shaman, Ranged DPS especially Mage and Warlock*

Team 2: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Progression Team
Leader: Oak (Oak#1771)
Days: Friday and Saturday 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Current Progress: 9/9N 3/9H
Current Needs: All Classes and Specs

If you are interested in learning more or joining please contact buel#1211, any of the listed Team Leads or respective teams Administrative Team Members!

LOTS is 4/9 H and 1/9 mythic we got aotc during uldir and are looking to get it again in BOD we are interested in having a home for both you and your friend we also try and get as mony of our guildies 10M+ every week we can if you are interested we would be more than happy to have you
thank you for your time


Raid Times:
Tuesday and Thursday from 8-11PM EST.

About Us:
Cutting Corners is a guild formed by a group of experienced raiders for the purpose of providing an efficient and enjoyable raiding experience.

We originally were long time mythic raiders, this tier we’ve gotten to 3/8 Mythic but decided to settle for casual heroic, while farming Mythic + for BoD and so on.

While we are first and foremost a heroic progression guild, members are also running M+ throughout the day and some members are active in rated PvP. Our discord is extremely active and we do our best to get everyone involved in activities outside raiding and other games, we are recruiting all type of players!

Diago#1887 (Recruitment)

Meme Regime was formed in late 2013 as a 10 man guild full of friends. The bulk of us have been raiding together since BC/Wrath with a few core members being US top 50 - 100 in our prime. We like to think of ourselves as good people. However, we are self admit-tingly trollish at times. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though >:|.

Current Progression:
5/8M Uldir
9/9H BoD
1/9M BoD

Current Needs:

BM/MM Hunter (HIGH)

Shadow/Disc/Holy Priest (Highest)

Warlock (HIGH)

Ele Shaman (HIGH)

Boomkin (HIGH)

Resto druid (Medium)

Resto Shaman (High)

All exceptional players will be considered! We don’t have a problem replacing someone if you can out-perform them.

Looking for the following;

Any exceptional/experienced player will be given a trial for the progression group.

Raid Times:

Tuesday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
Wednesday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
Thursday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*

*Invites go out 15 minutes prior to raid start time, it is expected that we are in the raid ready to pull by 9EST.

If this sounds like a good fit for you feel free to add Fonze#1379 or Hotsauce#1407 on bnet

Hello! We are actually looking for a MW monk and an Spriest for our core prog team. We’re on Zul’jin and raid 3 days/week. Tues thru Thursday 9-1130pm EST.
Current prog: 2/9M (AOTC) with Jadefire to 7% this past Thursday.

I see our times match pretty well with your schedule too. Feel free to send me a btag invite so we can chat further. Chitoh#1676
I’ll leave the guild spam below.

KRISP is a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild on Zul’jin-US comprised of highly skilled, laid back raiders. We offer a social environment which doesn’t end when the raid does. We are mostly Adults or young professionals (23+) and are usually always on discord in the evenings, whether it be organizing alt runs, competing for mythic+ times, messing around with PvP, or playing various other games together.

We raid evenings, 3 days a week.
**Tues/Wed/Thu 9:00pm-11:30pm EST .

Immediate Needs:
Highly Prefer MW Monk**
Exceptional DPS! (Priority but not limited to; Boomkin; Shadow Priest; MM Hunter; Ele Shaman)
Any and All Exceptional Players are encouraged to apply!

Not recruiting your spec? Apply anyway! We strongly encourage exceptional applicants outside of our direct needs to chat with us!

Recruitment Needs / What We Want From You:

Ranged DPS - As ranged DPS we expect you to successfully and confidently maintain high numbers and optimizing your specialization in every encounter. You’re analyzed not just on your damage, but your survivability and adaptability during any given encounter. Anyone can press their buttons in a relaxed setting. We want you to be able to handle your business while being prepared and capable of adjusting on the fly should things not go according to plan, without your damage being severely hindered.

Melee DPS - We are looking for confident and self-aware players who are able to push their role and damage to the limit without getting stuck in the notorious ‘tunnel’. Much like ranged, you are analyzed not just on your damage, but your survivability and adaptability during any given encounter. Things can change quickly for melee and even more so than ranged, at a costly price. You’re expected to adapt quickly while surviving and maintaining your damage.

Healers - We are looking for players with a team oriented mentality, who are willing at any given point to sacrifice what is needed to get the job done. Whether it’s using your own raid CD during an unfavorable timing, being assigned to a less prestigious role, or sitting on any given fight because your class isn’t the strongest. We want our healing core to be strong and work together.
If you do not see yourself as a team player or struggle in this criteria, do not apply!

Tanks - As a tank you are a very integral part of the raid. Outside of being able to play your class at the absolute pinnacle of it’s potential, you are needed to be vocal and communicative with your counterpart. Tank synergy is very crucial at a high level and something we take very seriously. Some boss fights require the tanks to control the tempo and pace of the movement throughout any given fight. At times you may be called upon to take up the driving role and get us moving in the right direction at the right time.
If you struggle with this communication style, tempo, and assertiveness, or do not play well with others, do not apply!

We are currently around a 25 person roster and are aiming to stay around this number.

We use a loot council system to fairly distribute loot among our raid members. Drama over loot is and will NEVER be tolerated.

Everyone in the guild plays to win and we want to continue to promote a highly team oriented mentality. Our goals during progression will always be to do whatever it takes to give us the best chance of winning against the next boss(es).

What We Expect:

  • You have done what you can to min/max your character.
  • You are confident in your abilities to play your class at a high level, including all applicable specs.
  • You can both give and take constructive criticism in a mature and respectful manner.
  • You can adapt to encounter mechanics with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
  • You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future tiers with.
  • You can handle a very loose and ‘open’ guild atmosphere.

Apply Here: guildsofwow . com/krisp

Contacts (Bnet / Discord):
Totemshocks ( Chipsandcoke#1804 )
Chitoh (Chitoh#1676)

I think you’d be a good fit for us, we have room for you on both our teams! should we not meet your needs, I wish you the best of luck in your search for a raiding team.

we have 1 active weekday raiding team and a weekend team under construction, so we are quite active!

we have a scheduled m+ guild night where we generally have 6+ groups running keys and shuffling parties. we have an off night normal mode run and keys going on generally throughout the week.

i hope we are a good fit for you (on either team). would love to speak
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<Mental Alacrity>, horde, Area52.
★ We are semi-hardcore 2 day raiding guild.
★ We raid tuesday & weds, 9PM EST to 12AM EST - invites go out at 845est pm

★ our weekend team will raid friday: 845pm to 12 heroic / saturday mythic 745-12 est.

our current progression on our week day team is:
4M | 9H | 9N

we have organized m+ events (mythic+ monday, where we typically have 6 groups running keys to make sure everyone gets a 10+ for the week done. we also have a “fightin’ fridays” with our partner guild , we do rbgs and battlegrounds/arenas with them at 7pm est ish. we host a partnered normal mode run as well with them. we have a healthy roster for heroic/mythic on our team and are looking to balance it out.

we are looking for players who:

★ are eager to use their talents to support their team and tackle content

★ mythic experience preferred, however not required

★ take raid time seriously; They know the ins and outs of their class and each boss encounter.

★ who treat others with dignity and respect

★ have a good sense of humor

if you possess the mental alacrity to stand up to the task, please reach out to any of the following for additional information or an interview:

★ lunanyte - luna#14515 - gm
★ illuminatus – illuminatus#1347 - gm
★ batteryninja#1624 - officer
★ rapidclaws - Zexxon#1923 - GM
★ rapidclaws discord: Rapid#8942

A Reddit Dystopia is a large community with 10+ raid teams at various levels of progression from Normal/Heroic Only to Mythic Progression. We have a few teams that look like they meet your needs

If you would like more info about our teams or our community you can message me on Discord (Sharrq#7530) or BNet (Sharrq#1244)

Also here is more info about us and a list of our teams and their needs. Specifically, I think our Joe’s Crab Shack team (almost all our teams are named after restaurants) would be a good fit for the two of you.

Hey there!

I’d love to chat with you both! I’m currently looking for a main spot healer (either Resto Druid or MW) and another that can flex dps/heals (if possible). We raid Tues/Wed 8:30pm to 12am EST. We are currently 3/9M with Opulence almost dead!

Solidarity Gaming is a long standing guild and a multi gaming community. Currently looking for reliable, dedicated team players that show up and want to kill mythic bosses!

Please add Nox#1368 (bnet) for a quick chat!
Hope to talk with you soon! Happy Raiding:)