[Scarlet Frenzy][Illidan] 8/8 H Mythic Prog Guild, Raid Times - Sun/Mon 7p-10p

:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: Scarlet Frenzy
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Illidan

:calendar: Schedule:
Sundays & Mondays (7pm - 10pm CST) Realm Time

:crossed_swords: Progression Type:
Mythic+ Pushing
AOTC - Mythic Progression when Available

Scarlet Frenzy is currently undergoing a rebuilding and we are changing our focus in WoW. We will now be focusing community and growing with people who love playing the game. As we grow, we will continue to keep the environment we strive for and we will continue to push challenging content with people we enjoy doing it with. Keys are also something we love to do, so even if you just want to hang out while pushing keys, we welcome you! If this sounds interesting or you want to know more, feel free to DM us!

:diamonds:Recruitment is open to ALL classes! :diamonds:
We are recruiting anyone interested in this type of progression and environment.

If you have any questions feel free to message me on Battle.net or Discord!

Discord: BearaX
Battlenet: iBear#11900

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come join us :smiley:

Come, have fun and defeat bosses.

still looking for people

We are still on the lookout for like minded people! Everyone is welcome! <3

We have punch and pie

You can message me as well
Discord: Taskgar