People who just want to PVP for fun might advance to 197/200ilvl and stay there. I have no desire to advance, and advance, and advance in an endless treadmill. I like random battlegrounds and would happily pay my sub each month just to log in and PVP at 197/200ilvl.
I’ve been PvPing to fill all the slots I can’t get via my covenant, m0 or WQs. I have also done m2’s.
Of all the content PvP has actually been the easiest to do, because for the most part in a BG or Epic BG it’s more about you and others setting up kills/flag captures etc. Yes there are situations where a higher geared player will do better at securing a kill on a FC in a base, but after having farmed several 197/200 gear I can say it’s significantly more important to have good teamwork.
Let’s just ban engineers items. They can’t have an advantage. Hey let’s ban potions 2. Nope that would give them advantage. Gotta ban anything that gives anyone an advantage in the bracket meant for imbalance uwu
But they can bring rated gear into them, while unrated pvpers have no options.
Correct, which is why I and others are correctly identifying the problem for unrated pvpers and are trying to offer solutions other than “deal with it or quit”.
Lol I’ve smurfed in fps games with sbmm by searching on a fresh account and kicking said account from game and joining on main the games are hilarious people are so bad. The noob brackets are fun
but where’s the right of alts and new pvpers to start pvping in their own dificulty? right now new pvpers are facing that would face lfr people if we throw them in mythic raid
We’ll I dealt with it so why should they have a shortcut out? M0 with a guild. I’m helping my buddy gear by taking him through mythic dungeons got him to 185 in 2 days from m+ No pvp no meat grinder required. And he learns all the dungeons
That’s exactly how it pans out in real life unless the person has a quitter personality anyway. Most people strive to be better. When I started those players made me want to be a better player. When I was starting life as a young adult entering the workforce I wanted to succeed and have a nice life, here I am.
As I’ve said in other threads, random BGs fail hard at their purpose of being the ground level of the PvP system. Heroic/M0 dungeons don’t random spawn +12 and +15 trash packs/bosses that are nigh-impossible to overcome, and yet that’s exactly what’s happening in BGs (and thanks to the carry-plague, mid-high level arenas it seems too). If you don’t progress shortly after the season starts, you’re faced with a climbing a staircase that collapses into a slide at random.
No, you can’t account for skill level differences. That will always be present in any form of PvP, but there’s no need to pile on with grand-canyon-scale power differences.