Nerub-ar Palace Mythic, Story Mode, Raid Finder Wing 2 Now Live!

Nerub-ar Palace Mythic, Story Mode, Raid Finder Wing 2 Now Live!

Gather your allies and traverse into the darkest depths of Azj'Kahet into Nerub-ar Palace to take the fight to eight new bosses, ending in a face-off against Queen Ansurek, but beware of the tangled web she weaves…or you may be her next meal.

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Will every mob be a lobster while in lobster mode?


There are story mode to raids now? FF14 players can finally play the game.


Looks like a cool raid. I’m excited for it. Please buff my spec and nerf all the other specs. I want my spec to be heavily represented in the race to world first. Thanks.

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Please add more Xal Atath feet pics pls.


I hope this isn’t a typo.


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missing a couple boss pictures? seeing the bosses helps with the hype

I super excited to start season 1 and jump into raid!

…I’m not so excited that I’ll have to do so on my rogue with its many unresolved bugs.

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Looks like any other raid lol.

The “story” thing is just the last boss.

Are the Nerubs the insect people that were originally elves and were magically changed to insects as a curse? This was a idea it was a thing from the 1980s maybe from the Warcraft MMO universe.


Nerubians are one of the descendants of the Aqir, N’zoth’s bug guys last seen during BfA. The other descendents of the Aqir are the Silithid and Quiraj of AQ fame, and the Mantid in Pandaria. The Nerubians decided Old Gods were dumb and to stop worshipping them, unlike the other three groups. They’ve been around since Warcraft 3, where they held out far longer against the Scourge than the humans did

They have no relation to elves


Heart of Fear 2.0 and I’m here for it.

567 for LFR.


I’m almost there!

That’s good news.

So far I’m avoiding group content (which has actually been really nice). Few delves, couple follower dungeons. Just walking the earth, like Kung Fu.

I was hoping, though to be able to do LFR.

And looks like I’ll be able to do that with my random gear that I’ve accumulated.


No heroics, no mythics, and I can do LFR.



It’s been in the game for like 14 years it’s called LFR.

Are delves fixed? Have you reversed the kneejerk Fury nerfs?

How do we start story mode?

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I don’t see any quest like that.

Emphasis on LIVE people.
That they WORK is a different story.

For anyone else lost, this had a bunch of prerequisites post main campaign:

  • The Beginning of the End
  • Socialized Medicine
  • Rules and Consequences
  • A Spy Like Us
  • Defense of the People
  • Make Them Prey
  • A Shot at the Top

All starting at Executor Nizrek at 52.88, 46.29 in The City of Threads, Azj Kahet.

Once those are complete, you can accept To Kill a Queen, which then lets you talk to Kriz the “Loyal” at 31.61, 63.97 in The City of Threads, Azj Kahet to enter the raid in story mode.

Would’ve been nice if this was easier to find.