193 Unholy Dk with Top 20 XP LF mythic raiding group

Currently 4/10 CNN with XP on 5 fights.

Willing to provide the limited logs I have available upon request.

I am a competitive person that has been enjoying WoW since launch back in the day when I was only 12. Throughout my WoW career I have always committed to raiding and doing progression content as it is the main objective in my view of progressing / enjoying the game. Most of my “hardcore” raiding was done during the time frame of WoTLK - MoP. Though I have raided in most expansions since, it has not been at nearly the same level due to my availability, interest, and overall desire to commit to the game. Some of the feats I accomplished during my time were US #76 World 108 Heroic Lich king 25 man, World 10th Us 4 Heroic 25 man Ragnaros, World 13 Us 9th Dragon Soul finish, and a top 20 start to MoP as well where I was also able to achieve being the Realm First Level 90. All the reasons for leaving the previous guilds was due to life scheduling changes, raid leadership shifts, or raids stopping playing the game together. Since life has changed for me over the last several years much like WoW, I find myself in a place where I am more settled and have leisure time to enjoy my hobbies once again. With shadowlands being so exciting and fun I am really looking to find a competitive home and enjoy the game once more while making some new friends in the process.

My friends and I made the small guild I am currently in at the launch of shadowlands for fun in hopes of attempting to potentially raid together. After more recent discussion and getting their feet wet, a majority of my group at this point wants to focus on mythic +, arena, and casually clearing heroic in time. I would like to do something more competitive with the time I am investing into this hobby and as a result, I am looking to raid in a different environment separate from the guild I am currently partially in charge of. I will still likely do other recreational things with them in the game outside of scheduled raid times but raiding is the reason I play this game. Everyone is understanding of the few of us that are looking to play alongside others to accomplish our personal goals for this expansion

I am hoping to find a competitive raid group once again that has the collective goal of pushing the highest level of content the game has to offer. My availability and ideal raid times would be scheduled between M-Th with times between 8 - 12 EST. I ideally would like to not raid more than 3 days per week.

I am currently Horde and would like to stay that way but am willing to swap for the right group if its a good fit.

I hope to find find a new home soon!

Hey! Feel free to check us out. I’d love to chat some more.


Hi there!

Blood of the Dragon is a relatively recently formed guild with a core of raiders who have achieved CE or close to it in the past. We are on Area-52 and raid Wed/Sun 7:30-10:30 EST + Monday as a third night for farm runs, optional alt runs, etc.

We like to hang out on Discord a lot and have fun doing keys and other content in the game. Obviously, we also are looking to perform in SL and wish to achieve CE on every patch.

If you would like to talk some more, feel free to add me Icefox#2352 on BNet.

Have a great day :slight_smile:

Hey Malcom,

If you are willing to raid a bit more for progression only here is our spam.

Fragment on Bleedinghollow is currently sitting 10/10N 6/10H (With Huntsman down before nerf)

We are a collection of ppl who have been raiding in the top 20-100US for multiple tiers with all of the players coming from different spots (Pie Chart, Did it for Whitney, Prometheon, Aversion [EU]), We have known each other for years and finally decided to finally form a guild in the last couple weeks before Shadowlands going 5/12M on alts.

All raid spots are competitive and we are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: High
Paladin: Ret: Medium, Tank:Low, Holy: Medium
Warlock: Low
Priest: Disc: Medium, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Low, Boomkin: High, Resto: Medium, Feral: Low
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Medium, Dps: Medium
Shaman: Resto: Low, Ele: Low, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank: Low, Dps: Low, MW: Medium
Rogue: Low
Warrior: Tank: Medium, Dps: High

Progression Raiding Schedule 7:30-12:00 EST
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Sunday (Can be any combination of these days)

Farm Raiding Schedule 7:30 - 11:00 EST
Tuesday - Wednesday

We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the highest possible rank in mind. We are currently planning to push hard in Shadowlands

-Raiding regarding the first mythic day will start early. It might extend late into the evening.

-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.

Discord: Demonslayerl#4843
Bnet: Tommy#1664

Hey man! I’d love to chat with you about what you’re looking for in a raid team and if we could be a good fit for you.

Currently at 10/10Normal and 1/10 Heroic. Looking for a good UH DK! hmu on discord @ Phantix#8896