191 enh shaman Looking heroic/mythic guild

Looking for a horde casual-core raiding guild that raids weekdays/Sunday 2-3 nights a week in the 7-11 pm est time I have logs for this 1st week of raiding and willing to server transfer as well

Not exactly what you are looking for, but close to it. We are going to be doing Mythic, but are not getting too sweaty with it. We are doing a recruitment drive this weekend and need an enh. Two nights a week, schedule is not final, but thinking Tue - Wed 9-12 EST. Zul’Jin server is also EST. We have a very talented core and are just filling out. For a more detailed description you can find us on wowprogress. Feel free to message or add me on Bnet, I’m Grubby#1799

Hey there, sounds like we might be a good fit and we could use an enh shammy on the team!
I’ll leave our bit of spam below, reach out any time if you’d like to chat!
