Enh/Ele Lf TWW Group 5-9PST 2-3day 150

Returning Enh/Ele looking for raid team for TWW. Guild called it quits late S3 then took a break in fated.

Multiple CE, SF and top top 50-150 Exp logs to support the past but would like to get back into the hardcore ish scene with the right group

Pref 2 days but will go 3 days for a guild that wants to push

Schedule M-F 5PST-9PST pref.

Talk soon

Snackz32 Discord
Snackz#1210 Bnet

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hello, we are a new guild of old friends that have created a community together for TWW. We are filling all roles right now for our AOTC raid team and pushing M+. Would you be interested?
We raid tuesday/thursday 8pm-11pm. After AOTC we will do one night of reclear and 1 night of M+. We also have a good group of people that are into pushing higher keys this xpansion.

appreicate the reach out, but not looking for something casual

We’d love for you to reach out and chat!

Still looking

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Hey Snackz, not sure if we are what you are looking for but Eclipsed on Stormrage has some CE focused raid teams wanting CE in TWW…these teams will be 3 day raiding for a few months of the season maybe more…

Tidal Acceleration
Tuesday and Thursday’s 8:30-11:30pm EST

Cosmic Shift
Saturday and Sunday 7-10:00pm EST

Please feel free to reach out to discuss further if you’d like…my Discord is nakkita76 and my BTAG is britt2376#1776

Howdy snackz, I’m the recruitment officer for Mutual Hatred on Area 52 and came across your post and wanted to touch base with you to see if you’re still looking for a guild. is a mythic guild that is in the process of rebuilding. Founded by a group of close friends and former CE raiders - MH aims to push challenging content on a lighter schedule while maintaining a fun but serious raiding culture. We are always recruiting like minded individuals to join us who possess the desire and motivation to perform at a high level while leaving the elitist attitude at the door. Currently we are raiding a light schedule while rebuilding our roster with midcore CE intentions.

Guild & Server: Mutual Hatred - Area 52
Raid Times/Days: Friday/Saturday 9pm-1am EST (8pm - 12pm CST)
Current Progression: **S3:**3/9m Amirdrassil - FATED: 3/9M Aberrus all final bosses killed on heroic. (We just started in mythic last week for the fun and almost got 4/9!)

Requirements: Don’t waste everyone’s time

Bnet: Sadtman#1241
disc: Jonnybads

i love tacos

Hello friends

hello friends

Hi everyone

still in the hunt maybe

Returning Enh/Ele looking for raid team for TWW. Guild called it quits late S3 then took a break in fated.

Multiple CE, SF and top top 50-150 Exp logs to support the past but would like to get back into the hardcore ish scene with the right group

Pref 2 days but will go 3 days for a guild that wants to push

Schedule M-F 5PST-9PST pref.

Talk soon

Snackz32 Discord
Snackz#1210 Bnet

Yo everyone