<Reprieve>[Illidan] | 9/9M ATDH | 6 HRS/Week | Tues/Thurs 8:00-11:00PM PST | Recruiting for TWW

Reprieve is a 9/9M Illidan-based two day* raiding guild looking to recruit 2 healers and 1-2 stellar DPS players to strengthen our roster for The War Within. A dps/healer hybrid player would be considered a plus. We are currently on break for S4.

Our guild places a strong emphasis on commitment, as well as our sense of community & camaraderie. We have cultivated a space we proudly call home, encouraging a first name basis amongst each other. :purple_heart:

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 8PM - 11PM PST

We expect raiders to arrive 15 minutes prior to raid start time.
*We added a third day to secure CE for Amirdrassil.

Current Spec Needs:
2 Healer - Holy Paladin, Holy/Disc Priest or Rsham preferred.

1-2 DPS - strong need for DH. No Mages/Locks/Hunters at this time.

:star: All exceptional players are encouraged to apply and will be considered regardless of spec :star:

Other Expectations:

  • Team player traits: this includes willingness to sit for roster rotations, AND standby to fill in as needed
  • Maintains a non-toxic and tenacious attitude/mindset for prog environments
  • Eager and driven for self-improvement
  • Knows how to balance a healthy understanding of a competitive spirit and team-oriented mindset
  • Greater mechanical awareness and prowess: this includes the ability to self-telegraph basic mechanics of given boss fight without any raid lead “hand-holding”
  • Prepares for raid by studying boss fights via Lorrgs, WCL, POV videos/streams, etc.
  • A core player seeking a long-term home

If you are looking to play with a guild of serious, CE-focused players and are likeminded, please feel free to reach out and let’s chat!

Discord Contacts: @tegamimianki

This is a great group of competent players who are serious about CE in a relaxed environment! :slight_smile:

Late night bump!