[US]<Firehawk> CE, Mythic Prog & Heroic teams looking for members for TTW! Need all classes!

Greetings Azerothians! Firehawk is a long-standing WoW community standing strong for nearly 15 years. We’re a highly active guild looking for raiders for all 3 teams: VIRA (CE), Corpse Run (mythic prog) and Twilight Fenix (AotC).

Group of chill, like-minded players who work together to push the content as far as we can; very strong and experienced leadership
Attendance, knowing the fights and coming to raid with a positive attitude is always a standard (must be open to criticism); Lootcouncil, BigWigs/DBM are mandatory
Our goals/expectations: fast/clean reclears, equally gear all members and ensure everyone gets to experience endgame content, and a strong sense of teamwork and community (underperforming players will be asked to step out or switch)


VIRA - (weekend CE team) - Friday/Saturday 5-8pm PST/8-11pm EST.
This team is seeking to prove our skills and achieve Cutting Edge. Looking for raid-ready, dedicated, and capable players. Must provide logs when applicable. Strongly focused on pushing high keys. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Hunter (Any spec)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug)

  • Monk (Windwalker)

  • Rogue (Any spec)

  • Warlock (Any spec)

  • Warrior (Fury/Arms)

Corpse Run - (weekday mythic mid-core progression team) - Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9pm PST/9-12pm EST.
Firehawk’s pride and joy, this team has been together for years. Corpse Run focuses on clearing heroic and downing a few mythic bosses along the way. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug/Pres)

  • Mage (Any spec)

  • Monk (Windwalker/Mistweaver)

  • Paladin (Ret/Holy)

  • Priest (Disc/Holy)

  • Shaman (Ele/Enh)

  • Warlock (Any spec)

  • Warrior (Arms/Fury)

Twilight Fenix - (weekend AotC-only) - Friday/Sunday 6-9 pm PST/9-12 pm EST.
Fun and casual, but still focused, this team is looking for more folks to achieve AotC. Will have dedicated nights for achievement runs and alt runs. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Druid (Balance/Feral/Restoration)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug/Pres)

  • Monk (Windwalker)

  • Paladin (Holy)

  • Priest (Disc/Holy)

  • Rogue (Any spec)

  • Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement)

So if you’re looking for an inclusive, active community to reach your character/raiding goals, then we are the guild for you! Message me Brerellyn (Brerellin#1558 btag/Brerellyn#6794 discord) for more info about our guild, raid teams, and policies or visit our website on Guilds of Wow. https://guildsofwow.com/firehawk