What to Tackle in Dragonflight Before the War Within

What to Tackle in Dragonflight Before the War Within

While soaring the skies in the land of dragons, you'll want to ensure you complete the activities from around the Dragon Isles before their rewards are no longer available (or not as easily obtained) when The War Within™ arrives on August 26.

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No mention on bullions, but I guess those are going away too… too bad.

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record since it has definitely been asked countless times, will you consider adding weapon vendors to MoP Remix that sell the various limited-time appearances now that we’re in the final stretch of the event?


There’s another dev post that says bullions will be going away (or at least stop dropping) with TWW launch

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What happens to world awoken meta, will I still be able to get taivan?

The achievements building up to Taivan have nothing relating to seasonal content in them, and none of the posts about what’s going away have mentioned the World Awoken at all, so it’s very unlikely they’ll do anything to it.

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Especially since they specifically added a permanent copy of the previously time-limited Shadowlands meta.

I’m assuming their plan going forward with expansions is to have an evergreen “do everything in the expansion” meta with a special mount reward.

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apologies for the trouble and if this is somewhat of a dumb question but does the Proto-Drake: Embodiment of Shadowflame go away today after Pre Patch, Blizzard said it would stay in till the end of season 4 and while some parts of season 4 are ending others are not.

Would it be like shadowland were you could get the AOTC mount till Dragonflight launch ?

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How considerate you are Blizzard towards the PvP community by removing our ability to earn the Class Elite sets, or the weapon illusion, etc. on the night of July 22nd. But oh… the PvE rewards are still obtainable until Aug. 26th… really showing your bias…


We’re going to keep getting them until the expansion launches. They fixed it yesterday. I got my 13th bullion last night.

and how long exactly have you had to acquire those sets? Maybe make better use of your time?

we’d get to it sure IF THE SERVERS WERE UP!

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title should read what to tackle if the servers are up.

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What to do in Pre-patch Day 1 . Sit and stare at the login screen

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“After The War Within launches, the ability to obtain the Reins of Anu’relos, Flame’s Guidance will become much more difficult.”

Can we get specific numbers on this please?
Particularly since it’s stated that 3 will drop instead of 2 in War Within so what exactly about this has changed?

Think Invincible.

itll be 1% as always lol