Tank main LF CE focused guild for TWW

G’day folks. My name is Willco and I am a seasoned wow vet looking for a raiding guild for TWW.

I am an Aussie bloke who has been playing wow for about 15 years (started around the time ulduar released in WOTLK), during this time i’ve only missed a few raid tiers.

Why am I sending a post in the US forums you may ask… Well, I’m moving from Australia to America with my American wife and our son. My OCE guild raid times will not be viable for me once I move to the US, they will go from 8pm-10:30 to 3 am until 5:30 am and I am not an insomniac lol.

What i’m looking for:
I am looking to find a CE focused guild to join.

What i do:
In my previous guild I was the Main tank and tanking/performance/logs officer in Immortal Ascension i also played a large part in adapting strats for out raid comp. Through DF we managed 3 / 8 VOTI, 5 / 9 ATSC and 6 / 9 in ATDH (smouldie @ 25%).
I love Mythic plus and with some friends from the guild we got to 3400 in S3.

Apart from this I am a tank main through and through, I can play all 6 tank specs at a mythic level with no issues. I can also play a lot of other classes and roles as I have a high aptitude to multi classing and multi roling . As a tank i focus on survival before dps however during a progression fight i will always try to min max my damage and tankiness to the fight, for example if i’m not getting flogged by the boss then i’ll drop some defense for dps, rotate out tanking trinkets for dps trinkets and so on. I am very big on boss positioning for maximum dps for the raid group and will discuss boss positioning with dps to better improve their ability to min max their dps.

DF classes:

ATSC: Prot pala/Prot War (depending on attendance and buffs required.
ATDH: BDK/VDH (VDH Key main)

If you would like my full history please send me a DM on Discord. Discord name is Willco.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out on discord or on Bnet. my btag is #Willco1446
I also have no issues filling out apps if required.
i have some logs for you to look at also.

About Us: We are a 2 day/week raiding guild that formed at the end of Dragonflight. Our goal is to achieve CE on a more casual schedule while still maintaining a competitive and positive environment. We are looking for players who have mythic raiding experience and looking for a laid back atmosphere with a serious progression mindset.

Schedule: Wednesday/Thursday 9pm-12am EST

Recruiting: 1 Tank (No BDK) - Hpal, Disc, MW, Pres - any exceptional Dps!

Apply: Contact us on Discord at Grace#9631 or Vasic#4997