<The Rhombus Knights> Area 52 [H] - Tue/Thur 9-11:pm - push to CE in TWW

Current Progression AATDH 3/9M | AATDH 4/9M | AVOTI 3/9M

Rhombus Knights is looking to recruit DPS for the remainder of Season 4 Mythic progression and into TWW. We are looking for 2 additional DPS to bring in to our team to complete the consistent group. Special attention will be given to any Warlock(s) as we are needing one.

We have a built out Discord for signup weekly and for overall tools to make sure we make the most out of our time weekly. We are looking to push CE into TWW while having a great time. We work as a whole on becoming masters of our classes and strategies while being honest with our feedback and raid leading approach. We approach each raid in a positive way with transparency and open communication. “New Pull New You” is our mantra as our goal is to get better with each pull no matter having missed a 1 shot mechanic :blush:

We have to implemented standards/expectations going into TWW from a gearing standpoint and just overall numbers. At the end of the day we care about getting the bosses down and having fun doing them. I am a transparent and open guild/raid leader who will always provide context to issues or ideas etc.

Please contact Vyythas (Discord) or B-NET (Viro13lade#1397)