AOTC Tank LF Heroic Raiding Guild for Weds/ Thurs afternoon/nights

((I’m looking for an AOTC guild, not CE))
*** Hi there, my name is Crush and i’ve been maining tank since TBC. Right now with the expansion around the corner it’s come to my attention that I no longer have a guild to raid with as my spot was filled. I have every tank right now up to 517 - 522 ilvl, can play them all. My main in S1 was Warrior, then Monk for S2, S3 and S4 i mained Guardian druid. As of right now I’m not positive on which I’d like to be for my new main going into TWW (not Blood DK), but I can play any tank if the raid team needs a specific class. Love to mythic +, usually been pugging or with my friend group but I work late during the weekends and weekdays past midnight EST but then do dungeons when I get home. Haven’t found many community’s with late night members like me but I know they’re out there.

  • Available Wednesdays /Thurdays as main nights, also have Sunday nights open.
    *** Also if you’ve read this far and still post something that states you raid on different days even though i have the ones i can play on right above this, i’ll just ignore you so why bother wasting both our time? :slight_smile: ***
  • Battle-net tag - Vercross#1411 or Discord - Xcrush#1465
    If you’d like to look up logs of my tanks here’s all the names of them
    Druid tank : Angrycrush - Destromath ( tanked S3 and S4)
    Warrior tank : Crushclaponu - Destromath (tanked S1 Vault)
    Monk tank : Crushmonk - Destromath (tanked S2 Abberus)
    Paladin tank : Crushadin - Destromath (tanked Awakened Abberus)
    DK tank : Crushdeath - Destromath (tanked Awakened Abberus)
    DH tank : Milashandi - Destromath (tanked Awakened Abberus)

We’re really small, but I created it like 3 days ago.

Looking for players of all roles and classes for raiding and m+ in TWW. Current member are all adults, but I wouldn’t necessarily call us mature. We’re kinda dumb. But we’re here to play hard, compete, and kill things. Super inclusive, I don’t need to see parses or links. I just need to know your gonna pull your weight.

We’re shooting for AOTC and ksm every season. No set raid days times, though I’m thinking Wednesday Sunday at 7 or 8pm PST. Flexible though.