[A] [H] [NA] [Sargeras] <Knights of the Blue Tree> - Mythic and AotC Groups

Hello there! Knights of the Blue Tree is a community-driven group that has played together for a long time in some form or fashion (since Burning Crusade).

We are looking to grow our group a little going into The War Within by expanding into two raiding groups.

Each raiding group we have raids 1 night per week, 3 hours a night. AotC is a more casual setting, in which the overall objective is to grab AotC and have a good time. Our mythic group is new going into this expansion, and our goal is to progress as far as possible through the mythic raid on a 1-night schedule.

Raid Times:
AotC: Monday, 7-10pm EST
Mythic: Sunday, 7-10pm EST

If you think you’d be a good fit, or would like to get more information, feel free to message myself or our raid leader on Discord.

Guild Leader: Blueeagle
Raid Leader: Gripps22

Mythic Application: Available upon request
Looking for:
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Any
DPS: Any (Mage/Warrior high priority)