2 CE Raiders LF Guild

I am the former GM of a CE raiding guild. Myself and one of my officers are looking for a new home to raid in for TWW as we are no longer continuing to raid in our current guild moving forward.

We have multiple CE’s under our belt and looking for a guild that will obtain CE each tier moving forward.

What we’re looking for:

Raid Days: Mon-Thurs (2-3 days)
Raid Times: 8pm-11:30pm EST

adding extra days/time during prog is ok

The classes we consist of are:

Player 1: DK DPS/Warrior DPS/Warlock
Player 2: Resto Shaman/Pres Evoker/Holy Priest

I will provide logs and raider io pages upon request.

Please post your information here and I will reach out to you.

Thank you