<Scarred from Greatness> weekend daytime AOTC raiding guild

Hey Guys!

Scarred from Greatness is looking for more guildies for the new expansion and the tail end of Dragonflight. We are a Horde guild on Tichondrius. Currently looking to find new guild members and friends to push M+ and grab AOTC each raid tier.

Our raiding is as above, primarily focused on AOTC and then if permitting, we will look at Mythic if people are up for it (purely a group driven choice). Each day there is usually a group for M+, maybe some PvP but its not a big focus for most. There are also a few crazy people trying to max achievements.
For the most part, its just wanting to have a place where people can come and play and chill out.

Class wise, just people, doesnt really matter. We can work it out, most people play multiple alts, obviously tanking spots are less available but nothing is set in stone yet for the new expansion. (this will change the closer we get)

Raid times are Saturday and Sunday, 1-3pm PST. Typically, with a 5-minute break at some point. Just a chill timeslot to drop the dragons or whatever big bad that Blizzard decide is the next one on the chopping block.

All we ask is that people turn up prepared for the content, have a willing mindset to push their characters and not expect to be dragged kicking and screaming through the content. Just act like you want to be there at least! :smiley:

We have a wide age range in the guild, but we (presume the same for a lot of other guilds) are on the average age somewhere around 35. There are people from early 20s too however. A decent amount of people have families, kids and IRL responsibilities hence the more laid back attitude. There are people wanting to parse in the high 90s in raids and push M+ to 3k, but the main goal is that AOTC and 2500 rating range.
Having said that, we are not an NSFW guild for sure, but we are inclusive. We like to joke around and have a good time, but also be serious when it’s time to push content. If you want to have good time and don’t want to deal with the more elitest raiding scene, we would probably be a good fit for you.

If any of this is an interested, let me know, I am usually on #nolife (UK timezone)

Drop me a line here, or on my discord: flizity or battlenet : Flizzle#2220
Hope to hear from you!