522 Frost Mage LF Semi-Hardcore Guild for TWW (and to finish DF)

Hey all! Recently had to leave my team due to a move to CST. Looking for a new team for Mythic raiding/M+, mostly for TWW but I don’t mind finishing off DF in style. I’ve included a a link to my current armory. Available most weekdays 2-3 days is what I’m looking for with M+ in between. Tichondrius is the server where most of my toons are, though I’m not opposed to a move if necessary. HMU on discord, bnet, or a reply on here.
Discord: _risenfenix
Bnet: RisenFenix#11943

We are currently recruiting all classes.

Guild & Server: Intricacy-Tichondrius
Raid Times/Days: Saturday/Sunday 12 - 3:00 PM PST (california time)
Current Progression: 5/8M AVOTI 7/9M AATSC 6/9M AATDH
Recruitment Contact: discord: Loredon Btag: Loredon#1135 discord: Draconerus
Requirements: Attendance for both raid days, Being Coachable, knowledge of your class and boss mechanics, RC Loot Council, Wowaudit , positive attitude