LF TWW AOTC/CE Push Guild — Enhance Sham


LF semi-hardcore guild that wants AOTC and is not afraid of mythic raiding progression to aim for CE. Been playing WoW since BC, most serious raiding occurred from Wrath through to the end of MoP. Fell in the casual pit from WoD through SL. Looking to re roll enhance for next expac with resto off spec.

Raid Availability: Mon-Thurs, 8P-12A

S1, Dev Evoker — guild wasn’t pressing mythic, only AOTC but did the easier mythic bosses in Vault. Left looking for something a bit more serious.

S2/S3 Boomy — for s2 check the 10.1.7 for heroic logs. S3 check the 10.2 for heroic logs. Mythic logs are nothing worth showcasing on S2 but S3 we managed 5/9M ATDH

Druid Logs: Shroomkin — Area 52

S4 ??? — S2/S3 guild fell apart after guild leader took a step back. Huge bummer. Re rolled mage, joined a guild to join one, cleared all heroic awakened not that they’re hard by any means. Raiding was then put on pause, understandable since it’s the end of expac.

Mage logs: Bearcaine — Area 52

If you have any questions lmk. Guild does not need to be currently raiding either.

Discord: donnyxcx
Bnet: Zxzas#1618

H I have a team that is currently looking for some more members to slowly advance into mythic as time progresses in TWW

Here is some info in the copy pasta

About Us

Guild Name: Ex-Inferno
We are a medium sized community and last summer we celebrated our 11th year! If you are a laid back, chilled-out person then you are most welcome. We have folks that range from the casual (just learning) to the (fairly sweaty) hardcore gamers. The difference is, our skilled players help folks out(when they can) and never look down on those who might not have the same skillsets. Our main community has been supported for a long time with World of Warcraft, but we do play other games; Lost Ark, Minecraft, etc…

Ex Inferno has 8 raid teams, as well a M+ team and a PVP team with various times and schedules. There is also a community raid every Saturday that anyone in the community can attend and have fun!

Team Yellow is Looking for Members!

Team Yellow is one of the newest raid teams here at Ex Inferno. Currently the team’s goals for S1 in TWW is to achieve AOTC and push into Mythic as far as possible. As the team is established, a larger focus on Mythic content will be enforced. Players with like-minded attitudes, a desire to push harder content while also having a lively and enthusiastic approach to raiding are welcome to join our adventure.

Tuesday/Wednesday from 8:00pm EST to 11pm EST
Short raid time, so you’ll need to be @ the raid entrance and ready to pull.

Tanks: Closed
MDPS: Open
RDPS: Open
Heals: Open - Holy Paladin/Pres/MW

Contact Info

If you are interested, please contact me directly at: Bootycutie or Bootypatooty#11268 (raid lead)
or me @ Zack8194 on disc or on Bnet Zackeriah94#1910

There is a brief voice interview required.

Hope to see you around!

Hey there! I am currently involved in 2 guilds.
One being a smaller community, committed to helping new and returning players engage and enjoy the game in all aspects. With a flexible roster our main goal is reaching AoTC. Sub goal, 2500 I.O. Raid times TBD.

The other guild is a larger community driven by reaching C/E. Running on M/W 8pm - 12pm EST. With this being C/E focused loot will be distributed via loot council to ensure bosses are downed in a timely fashion. Along with a more meta styled comp, spots may vary.

  • Always an option to raid in both.

Look forward to hearing from you!
Disc - unholynft > Bnet Hotshot#1259