2 CE Players LF CE Guild for TWW

Our current guild unfortunately lost its raid leader and neither of us have a desire to take over that responsibility so we are currently looking for a guild going forward. Our current guild is Mediocre at Best on Tichondrius, has been around in a few iterations since WoD, originally starting on Proudmoore.

We are looking for a 2 day but potentially 3 day guild with a preferred start of 7pm pst but could make 6:30 pst work for a good situation. We aren’t particularly interested in server transferring and hopefully with the changes to TWW that’s not something that will be required. Looking to join a guild with multiple CE already and preferably all from DF.

I myself have had to take time off from seriously raiding since early BFA, but have been an officer in the guild since BFA and have been around in a casual presence playing and still being active in our discord within the tiers. I still have logs from those times if you would like to see them. I have played warlock since ICC and at this moment I have no intention of playing it for TWW and am leaning towards mage.

I’m currently playing classic cata and have no interest in coming back for S4, but will ramp back up in retail as the xpac drop gets closer.

The second player has been our recruitment officer since Castle Nathria and did a ton of the heavy lifting besides raid leading within the guild. They achieved CE on multiple different classes in this time and even transitioned to tank for Amirdrassil when we needed it. He plans on playing DPS DK. Some characters of his to look at are:

He has played a little of s4 but is on break until the xpac launch as well.

We are both looking for a trial in the same guild and know we can make it on our own merits so hopefully we don’t scare off any “no package deal” communities. Please feel free to reach out for logs, especially mine since they might be hard to find due to time and server transfers.

Feel free to reach out with any questions, we look forward to talking with you!

My bnet: Veltrix#1442
My discord: teesm_56382

His discord: tilescum

Still looking :slight_smile:

Big plus if you observe Taco Tuesday

hump day bump day

To the top

im gripping

Still talking to people this weekend

time is money

Ready to share my apple pie