Multi-class Healer/Flex LF One Night Mythic Guild

Multi-class healer (with ability to flex if needed) looking for a one night, established, mature and active mythic guild. Playing since 2007 and raiding heroic since Tier 8, I’ve achieved a few CEs historically (Emerald Nightmare in Legion, and Nya’lotha in BFA) and most AoTCs in between. Desired level of progression would be “6/8” mythic bosses (mid/late tier progression, not concerned about CE).

I enjoy M+ (3k io player last season on priest and shaman) and would appreciate a group of individuals who are not raid loggers.

Pref days: Any day but Friday or Saturday
Pref time (negotiable): 8 or 9 EST

Please reach out if your group is a good fit:
Discord: wise__
Bnet: Wise#12287