Shadow Priest LF CE+ Competitive guild going into TWW. (Could hunter too)

With some experience in hall of fame raiding and multiple CE’s I am looking to find a guild for TWW. I have always played Hunter or Spriest and could manage with either if need be. Sadly time for me is pretty strict with work and other things I have going on, and I am (pretty strictly) looking for 8-11 EST Time only. depending on the days (Fri-sat for example) there might be some flex but yeah.

Piespriest - Stormrage for my priest logs dating now to mid or start of SL

Pieshuntard - Stormrage can find some old logs… mostly like legion or Nyalotha.

As I usually only gear and raid one character I have nothing really recent for my hunter. I’ve raided from top 40-50 US in Exiled Legion in MOP, upto much higher. My recent raiding has brought me around the HOF top 200~ ish mark.

My goal/interest is just getting CE at a preferably competitive pace.

I will be checking this when I can; but otherwise may be found at ilikepie#1117 on Bnet. and will try to be on there when I can.

Thank you

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Bump!!! :slight_smile:

Still searchin