[Illidan] <Depletion Tower> Recruiting Mythic+ Players! Ask about Mythic Raiding!

:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: Depletion Tower
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Illidan

:calendar: Schedule:
Push Nights and Raid will be determined by the groups themselves!

:crossed_swords: Progression Type:
AoTC w/ Focus on Pushing Mythic+

:warning: Depletion Tower is a stem off of Scarlet Frenzy!:warning:

:warning: Scarlet Frenzy is a Raiding Focused guild with the following accolades! :warning:
S1 - 3/9 M
S2 - 5/9 M
S3 - 7/9 M
S4 We are taking a relaxed approach but still are raiding Mythic when the people are available! We will be pushing Mythic for The War Within, if that is something that interests you, feel free to ask about it!

Feeling annoyed or frustrated that your friends left you Mid-Season for that new game or update? Again? Depletion Tower is the start of a community centered around Mythic+ and looking for more players like you! We stem off of a Mythic Raiding guild with some solid Accolades and amazing players! The goal of this is to achieve a self-sufficient community that loves to play Mythic+ anytime the game is up and available. Of course we want players but we also want to build a positive environment with people who just love the game and want to see it succeed for the Expansions to come!

All we ask is that you are open-minded and nice to the other players!

:warning: Even if you are not wanting to join the guild, you can message me if you want join the discord, the bigger the community the better! :warning:

:gem: We are recruiting every skill level and wanting to make a community of Mythic Plus players! :gem:

If you have any questions feel free to message me on Battlenet or Discord!

Discord: bearax
Battlenet: iBear#11900

bumping post

bumping post

bumping post

bumping post

bumping post

come join the party

We will be recruiting all the way up and through TWW!

keys ahead

We look forward to meeting new people!

bring in the heat

Dropped you a request on both Discord and Bnet Bearrax!

Anyone is welcome! We are very excited!