TWW - looking for aotc/ce guild between 20:30 - 24:00 est

LF AOTC / possibly CE guild for TWW
Warlock main Demonic-Turalyon
LF Guild
I am interested in CE
I have aotc experience
I have been playing since The Burning Crusade.
I have not been in guilds that push high, end game. I have acquired most of my aotc from using group finder.
Raid would need to be within 20:30 - 24:00 est

Hi, Demonic. I’m the GM of <Murloc with a Glock>. We’re a mythic guild that’s perfect for people that are interested in mythic progression but don’t have a lot of experience. We have CE raider leadership that helps you learn the fights and supports you as you grow with our guild. Outside of raid, we have key groups going every day so you can gear your character and push score if you’re interested in that, as well as fun guild activities.

Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear from you.

We raid Friday and Saturday from 8 to 10:30 pm CST.

You can reach me for any questions or to apply here:

Bnet: Astro#18157

Discord: mwgastro

And you can read our full posting here:

healer (any)
dps (no hunters)
Trial run Tuesdays, 9-11pm eastern (8-10pm central). Let’s GO!

About our Team:
AOTC every season. Solid players with class flexibility. Leader and others have Mythic raiding background.
Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern). S4 Heroic Awakened raids on farm, still clearing on Tuesdays for alts and fun.

People can join any guild on any realm in the upcoming TWW xpac. No server transfers necessary.

Guild Information: Horde and Alliance
The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large 13 yr old FUN, non-toxic, no drama, player friendly guild.
Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies.
Remix raids open to all guildies every day.
RBGs scheduled 4 nights a week and RBG push team 2 nights a week.
Mythic Mondays, M+ in guild chat every day, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things!
We love people! Everyone is welcome here. Make a new toon to see what you think!

BNET: Death#12773
Discord: olrazzledazl
BNET: Stormy#1445