526 Hunter (19/26 M Awakened) LF LATE NIGHT (9:00 PM EST or later start)

Multiple CE/top US 100 prior raid tier exp.

Consistently one of the lowest death, highest parsing members in raid. Looking for a cool group to close out this season with, hopefully get a fire owl mount.

Must start 9:00 PM EST or later. Am fine with server transferring to non-EST realms.


Meant to post on this character. Larracier-Kel’thuzad.

My death knight is my former raiding main, can also raid on him no problem (any spec).

we are looking for a few more dps. either hunter or dps dk is fine. we’re a new guild that is building a 2 day raid roster with the goal of finishing in the top us 250 each tier. taking it easy only doing 1 night during awakened season.

cant link anything anymore, but you can find us on raiderio, guilds of wow, wcl, etc for some more info. discord name below if youd like to discuss further.

discord: redonkulous

Bump. I’m very specifically looking for a guild at or close to CE in past tiers, with solid prog in awakened season. No building or rebuilding projects. No offense, but I only care about progression raiding in deep mythic, and performance-based teams.

Still looking. Haven’t been contacted by any guilds with compatible times/progression yet.