Make Therazane Shoulder Enchants BoA Please!


Other enchants are BOA, this Deepholm questline to unlock therazane is brutal enough on 1 toon. Please make the shoulder enchants BoA

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Questline is fine, the rep however, I can agree.


We’re working on this. We agree that it would feel better to have this reward for reaching exalted with Therazane available to your alts.


Things like this…are going to make Cata so GREAT! THANK YOU!


It is a bit odd how head arcanums are boa, but not the shoulder ones.

I am trying to think of why that was made like that by the original devs.

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Hope to hear more news like this.

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One word: GRIND.

Sons of Hodir shoulder enchants are account wide. It’s also relatively easy to get Honored with Therazane which gives enchants that are slightly more powerful than the Sons of Hodir enchants.

I don’t remember a specific comment about Therazane, but I do remember when MoP came out and people were asking Blizz to bring tabards back. They said they didn’t want the faction interaction to be reduced to slapping on a tabard. The intention behind the MoP tabard change was for players to become more invested in the story they wanted to tell with the faction.

Most MoP faction rewards were not account-wide, but there was significant pressure on Blizzard to make factions account-wide in MoP. The most they were willing to move on the issue was to introduce systems that boosted reputation gains for alts.

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