186 DK LF Mythic Raiding Guild

Looking for a horde guild with CE experience or Close too it
Would prefer a guild that 2-3 days No weekends. Time is flexible
I have a Top 250US mythic raiding experience
Btag: Drevm#1278

still looking

Still Homeless

Hi there Drevm, if you’re looking for a hardcore mythic raiding guild aiming for US top 100, with flexible raiding times, please feel free to contact me at, Discord: Ashe#5818, or Bnet: Sharkbait#11684!

Hey Drevm, I’m an officer over at Hollowed-Zul’jin (horde) and I think you would be a good fit for our team! We’re looking to round out our core roster with some strong melee, a DK would be perfect. I added your btag as well.
I will leave the usual copy paste stuff for you to go over.

Hollowed (US-Zul’jin)

We are a semi-casual guild with an aim of CE every tier - we don’t expect you to be one of the top 100 players of your class, but we do expect a certain level of skill & desire to improve. We started with the hope of cultivating not just a group of raiders, but a community of people we can relax with when we don’t really feel like playing WoW, too.

We involve members no matter what their WoW drive is, whether that’s Mythic+ or PvP - we hope to house a group of people who are interested not just in mythic raiding,but pushing other types of content as well. With that said, if you find that you really aren’t interested in mythic raiding, don’t count us out; we plan to run heroic raids once a week, and are open to running normal if people are interested.

Raid Times

Tuesday & Thursday 8pm-12am EST

Optional/Off Raid Night: Wednesday 8pm-12am EST


Castle Nathria will be our first tier as a guild, but we have several 12/12M (Ny’alotha) raiders, including the GM and Raid Leader. We’re aiming for 10/10M.




Discord: Dreadsyth#1838
Battle.net: Dreadsyth#1838

Discord: hale#0420
Battle.net: Daddy#13922

Discord: Albinoh#6378
Battle.net: Albinoh#1244

If you are interested in applying please fill out the application on our guild website, or contact an officer directly. We look forward to hearing from you!


We’re looking for an exceptional DK to add to the team. We’re 12/12M CE guild in BFA and have gotten even stronger as a team since BFA. Here’s our spam, we would love to chat. If we seem like a good fit please reach out (our contact info is in the spam). Thank you!
