[H/A] Area 52 - Glorious Purpose Recruiting for S4 and TWW

Guild & Server:Glorious Purpose Area 52
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11PM EST
Current Progression: 5/9 H Amir
Recruitment Contacts: @Drak

Requirements: BIG on teamwork mentality; Prior raiding experience with logs pref | Knowledge of your primary class, consistent attendance to raid times, chill vibing w/ good communication/transparency. AOTC Exp, open to mythic progression
Needs: HIGH PRIORITY for Heals and DPS. Looking for 2 heals (Priest, Monk, ANY), 6 DPS (ANY). We are also accepting more DPS than listed for Heroic/Mythic team roster.

i love this guild :blue_heart:

How do we contact someone?

sairysdraconis in discord. :grinning: