<Mildly Offensive> [H] Area-52

Mildly Offensive is an adult oriented, non-pc, Horde guild on Area-52 looking for exceptional players to fill our roster for both mythic plus runs and progression raiding in Dragon Flight.

Goal: AotC focused, followed by Mythic progression within a fun, team-oriented environment while maintaining a 2-night / week raiding schedule.

Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday 8:00 EST - 11:00 EST.

Expectations: For core raiders, the following is expected: Be on-time. If you will miss a raid, communicating in advance is key Come prepared with full consumables While progression is on-going, getting at least one weekly key is mandatory. Basic raid preparation and a team mindset. Success of the group > personal performance.

Mythic+: Pushing keys is a major focus for the majority of our roster and we highly encourage weekly keys.

Achievement Runs: We run “Glory of the X Raider” achievement runs every tier as a guild!

​Raid Needs: Current needs:

DPS: All welcome to apply.
Heals: 1-2 healers with solid dps os that are willing to swap when needed.

Inquires can be sent to:


8/8H VoTI

9/9H AtSC

9/9H AtDH